Chapter 2

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Sorry it's taking a long time to write. D: It was exam week last week sooh, yuh. Now dat et's Summuh, I'll have moar time to write. :3 If yew wanna follow Brittany and I on Twitter and Tumblr, dere dey areee. Enjoy dis chappie :333

Amber: && @AmbearMariee

Brittany: && @Brittan_Ann_Xo


Harry's POV

All I can think of is that kiss. Liam is really good at it, I don't know why he would be so insecure about it. He told me he was going to tell Niall that he fancies him, but he was nervous. So I told him to practice on me. And that's what happened. He stuttered a bit, but he got it out, then he flung to me. It wasn't so bad, and it's not like I didn't like it.. Right? But I always thought that I loved Louis. It's really odd to be feeling these types of things. But now, of course BooBear is gone. Letting that Irish in his room, instead of sleeping with me.


Knuckles rap against my door, causing me to bolt out of bed. I opened the door to an upset Liam. He lets himself in sitting on my bed, slightly rubbing his eyes. I frown. It's because Niall is with Louis, isn't it. I bend down infront of Liam, grabbing his arms and pulling them away.


"Liam it's okay." I mutter. He flings his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. I've never saw Liam like this. It's completlely un-normal. But, I guess he loves Niall that much.. I'm jealous too, Louis and Niall aren't even that close, that they sleep together. I turn my head and look at the time, 1am.


"H-Harry, I'm sorry." Li mutters. "There's no one else to turn to." I shake my head and give a weak smile. He instantly sends me one back.


"Why don't you just stay here tonight." I say. He nods and climbs under the covers, as do I. He nuzzles my neck and lets out a long sigh before fluttering his eyes shot. Has he become soft? He was more tense before, what happened to him? Niall really got to him this time. I lean down and lay a kiss on his forehead before falling asleep.


Louis's POV

I woke up to sunrays lighting through the curtains, and being drowned in pretzels. That bastard Niall forgot to put them away. He faces towards me before fluttering his eyes open, smiling sheeplishy. Who can stay mad at that face?


"We're in pretzel heaven." He murmurs. I burst into laughter before getting out of bed and pulling some clothes on. Niall yawns and smashes his face into the pillow.


"Oh, no you don't." I say, walking along his side of the bed. I grab his shoulders and shake them. He grunts and groans, but he eventually wakes up. We both walk downstairs and into the kitchen. Niall grabs orange juice out of the fridge and starts chugging it from the jug.


A loud bang comes up from upstairs and moments later Harry and Liam walk down. Niall glances at me for a moment with sad eyes. What is up with these guys? It's really not like them. I wish Liam would back-off. Poor Nialler.


"Morning." Harry groans. He lazily walks to the fridge, grabbing the milk and pours a cup, while Liam doesn't even look at anyone. Niall follows me out of the awkward kitchen and into the living room, where we both flomp down on the couch. I signal Niall closer to me which he easily does. I lay my back against the arm of the couch and fling my legs over his, while he flicks through channels on the television.


"Niall," I say trying to get his attention. He turns his head. "we should do something today." I complain. It's really boring in this house. He beams and nods. Just as we get up to get ready, Zayn passes us along the way.


"What're you guys up to?" He asks. His hair is perfect. I don't know why he spends so much time making himself pure beauty. I'm one to talk.. I spend more time getting ready than him.


"Niall and I are going somewhere today." I say, strolling into my room with an excited Niall behind me. I change into something decent, and flick my hair around. Niall looks casual aswell. We trot downstairs.


"Where are you two going?" Liam asks, crossing his arms. Niall wears a smile.


"Just going out." I say. His lips tighten but he lets us pass. You have your fun with Haz. Niall follows behind me and we walk out the door.


"Where you wanna go, Nialler?" I ask, walking to the drivers side of my car as he gets in the passengers seat. He shakes his head. I can tell he's sad. Liam does seem a bit mad, but not close to jealous. I don't know what to do. I hate seeing Niall like this. I don't know why I'm not acting as hurt as him. I guess it's normal for Harry to flirt, and kiss other girls. But, Liam isn't a girl.. I don't get it.


I pull out of the parking-lot and drive off into the distance. Niall fiddles with his fingers, biting his lip occasionally. He worries me.


"They're not getting jealous, Lou." Niall mutters. I press on his knee with my hand, tryring to comfort him and give him a smile.


"Sure they are, Nialler." I say. "Did you see how Liam got tense when I told him we were going somewhere? He looked pretty mad!" I try and cheer him up. He looks at me with saddened eyes. "Don't worry."

He manages a weak smile, before staring down at his fingers again. I pulled into Nando's hoping he would cheer up a bit. And I swear, anything that is food will make him happy. We quickly order the food and drive away once again.


"Let's just go home, Lou." Niall mutters, his mouth full of food.


"No." I say. Niall scrunches his eyebrows in confusion. "Let's go on a date."

"Where?" He asks. I smile.


"Let's go to a carnival." I say. He frowns at the thought.


"I don't really feel like riding rollercoasters and all that, today." He mumurs.


"Fine, we won't go on rides. We can still play games and stuff though." I say. He hesitates at first, but gives in. "Yay!"


Harry's POV

"Where're Niall and Louis?" I ask, walking into the kitchen where Liam and Zayn are discussing things that I could care less about.


"Gone." Liam says, blankly. I frown.


"Gone where?" I ask again. Liam doesn't answer me so I turn to Zayn.


"Louis texted me a while ago," Zayn says. "said him and Niall are going to the carnival."


I bite my lip. Liam has his arms cross, and his lips are tightened. And idea hits me. Why don't we spy on their little date? I give Liam a cheeky grin, and he tilts his head in confusion. Zayn ends up getting bored and walks out.

"Wanna spy on them?" I ask. It takes a second for Liam to think about it before he nods. "Get ready then. We're going to the carnival, to spy on Niall and Louis."

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