We're Going to Look After you

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Soon after, there were soft footsteps that approached me. I kept my eyes closed. It was Legolas. He just stood there and didn't move.

"Why do you hesitate to sit?" I asked him quietly as I opened my eyes to look up at him.

"Why have you been so quiet?" he asked as concern wrapped around his voice. He slowly crouched down and sat next to me.

"I've been thinking" I smiled at him but his face did not change.

"What is it?" I asked as I furrowed my brow at him.

"I know that your father was there last night." He said plainly. I bite my lip in nervousness. I knew he would asked.

"Yes well, I talked to him" I said casually. Legolas' face lit up.

"About us? What did he say?!" He asked excitedly. I built up the courage and looked him straight in the eyes.

"I told him about you and he said you were a fine young Elf. He also told me that he sees children in our future" I gave him a weak smile. Legolas gave me a pleasing grin.

"Really? Does this mean he is letting you stay?!" He asked me as his grin grew wider. I frowned at him and leaned back again.

"He still wants me to wait. If I ever make it alive" I said. His smile weakened but did not fade.

"I will wait too" He said as he leaned in to peck my lips. I moved my head so that I was resting my head on his lap. His fingers played with my hair and I instantly fell asleep.

The next morning, I was in a bed below deck. I slowly sat up and looked around. I wondered how I got here until I saw Legolas laying next to me. I leaned forward and kissed him gently on his lips. It was early morning and the sun has just risen. I went up in deck and found Aragorn.

"Have you slept at all?" I asked him and walked over to him.

"You look like a mess." He looked very concerned and tired.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"We'll be there within an hour." He said plainly. I was taken back by his answer.

"Well then, what troubles you?" I leaned my head to rest on his shoulder.

"What if the people of Gondor don't like me? Won't accept me as their King?" He shrugged.

"They will love you, I'm sure. Don't worry so much." I chuckled at him. I stood up.

"Ill wake the others." I said before disappearing below deck.


This was it. We were at the shores of Minas Tirith with another army of Uruks to meet up. Aragorn nodded at us and I readied my daggers. We jumped out to be met by the Uruks.

"There's plenty for the three of us. May the best dwarf win" Gimli whispered to Legolas and I when we landed. I frowned at him before running towards the army.

I looked around and saw how the Ghosts fight. They were incredible!

I swung my blades at their throats. A fat Uruk came running towards me and I sliced its stomach open.

"That's gross" I whispered looking down at the dead body and spilled insides.

"Fifteen! Sixteen! Seventeen!" Gimli counted out loud. I was behind by a few.

I remembered what I did in the mines of Moria and I thought of doing it again. I summoned the power to control the weapons of the Uruks and stabbed each one. That was about thirty- six now?

"Twenty- nine!" Gimli yelled out to us. I giggled.

"Erillin!" Someone called me. I turned around and saw Aragorn pointing to a Giant Oliphant. I dropped the weapons.

"On it!" I nodded to him.

I used the arrows that were already pieced on the legs of the Oliphant to get me up to the top. I climbed up using the harness. Once I was up I used my daggers to stab the warriors that were resting on the top.

"Thirty- Seven, Thirty- eight" I whispered to myself.

One they were killed I quietly walked over to the driver and snapped his head with a powerful CRACK and threw his limp body to the side. Lastly, I took out two arrows and shot it straight for the Oliphants head, killing it. It dropped to the floors and I gracefully slid down his trunk and jumped, landing perfectly in front of Legolas and Gimli. By then I had already lost count. Legolas smirked at me and Gimli stood there, wide eyed and jaw dropped.

"That still only counts as one!" Gimli protested. I chuckled and looked around at the motionless battle field. We walked closer towards the city but the ghosts appeared.

"Release us" The General sternly said as his army gather In front of us.

"Bad Idea. Very handy in a tight spot, these lads, despite the fact they're dead" As much as I agreed with Gimli, I knew that it would be the right thing as to set them free.

"You gave us you word!" The General said. I sensed anger in his voice.

"And he will keep it." I told them and walked over to Aragorn. I looked to him and Nodded.

"I hold your oaths fulfilled. Go. Be at peace." Relief washed other the General's face as well as the soldiers as soon as Aragorn said that. I summoned a wind to drifted them away. Then their bodies faded and they disappeared. I looked around at the lifeless bodies. I saw a little figure walking around and doing the same.

"Pippin?" My voice cracked. His little figure turned around and looked at me. He was dressed in Gondor army and he came running to me.

"Lady Erillin!" He excitedly said as he gave me a big hug. I kissed his cheek.

"Where's Merry?" He asked. I took a sharp intake of breath.

"I did not arrive with him" I whispered. He looked up at me and his eyes darkened with fear.

"NOOOOOO" There was an heart breaking cry behind us. I looked over and saw Eomer clutching on to Eowyn's lifeless body.

"Go see what's happened. Ill find Merry" I told Aragorn before he ran to Eowyn and Eomer's aid. Pippin and I looked around at the bodies.

A small heap was rested under an Elephant. Pippin noticed it and quickly ran to Merry's side.

"Merry. Merry, its me. Its Pippin" I heard Pippin's voice as it was soft and quiet. I saw Pippin hovering over Merry. I ran to them and kneeled next to Merry's head.

"I knew you'd find me... Are you going to leave me?" Merry asked weakly. I shed a single tear and cupped his cheek.

"No Merry, We're going to look after you." I smiled down at him and helped carry him inside.

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