His Brother?

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I set Merry onto a stone table as the maids frantically ran around the healing to the Soldiers in need. I walked over to the center where a bowl of fresh water was placed. I picked it up and brought it over to where I had set Merry.

"Gets some rest. You are safe now." I whispered to Merry as I placed a damp cloth over his tiny forehead.

"Ill stay with him." Pippin choked out. I sent him a weak smile and nodded.

"I don't need help! I can stand!" A familiar voice stood out from the rest.

"My Lord, you need to rest." The maid pleaded. I walked over to the voices. I peered over the maid who stood with clean linen. I walked over to them and placed my hand on the maids shoulder. She flinched a bit.

"I'll take care of it." She bow and scurried away. I stood there in front of a man with his hair over his face as he stared down at the ground. His face, his body, his hair, it looked all to familiar.

"She's right you know. You shouldn't waste your energy while your body is recovering." I whispered. His head shot up and he stared into my eyes. As I stared back at his, my heart sank. It was all to clear to me, this man resembled my fallen friend, Boromir.

"My Lady?" He asked shocked.

"You? Who are you?! You look so much like him!" I nearly cried as I spoke.

"You knew my brother?" He asked as he stood to face me. His brother? I held my hand to my mouth to muff my sob.

"I fought along side him" I whispered. I quickly wiped my tears and reassured myself.

"I'm Erillin, Of Rivindell." I smiled at him as if nothing had just happened.

"I am Faramir, Stewart of Gondor." He smiled back. I took in a deep breath and opened my mouth to speak.

"Has anyone every told you, you resemble your brothers image?" I chuckle slightly at him. He nodded gratefully.

"I'll sorry" I whispered to him. He was about to speak when a voice from across the room interrupted us.

"Erillin, Let's go" Aragorn called me as he stood from his earlier crouching position. I nodded at Faramir as a form of goodbye and he waved. I passed by Eowyn who lay on stone table. Her skin was pale and she felt cold. I leaned down to kiss her freezing cheek.

"Come on." A hand grabbed mine and lead me out and into the hall of the castle.


"Frodo has passed beyond my sight. The darkness is deepening." Gandalf broke the silence. There was a meeting being held in the throne room. I stood next to Aragorn and Gandalf as Eomer and Legolas stood across the hall from us. I was leaning into one of the marble pillars while watching Gimli as he sat casually on the Kings throne as if it was nothing special. He smoked is pipe creating puffs of smoke into the air

"If Sauron had the ring, we would know it." I told to Gandalf from behind him. He slowly turn to glance at me.

"Its only a matter of time. He has suffered a defeat, yes but behind the walls of Mordor, our enemy is regrouping." He shook he head at me then turned back.

"Let him stay there. Let him rot! Why should we care?" I shot my eyes at Gimli.

"Because 10 00 Orcs now stand between Frodo and Mount Doom." Gandalf snapped. I walked to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me with a mixture of Fear and concern in his eyes.

"I've sent him to his death." He whispered quietly. I shook my head at him this time.

"No. There is still hope for Frodo!" I declared. If Frodo had made it this far then him and Sam could surely accomplish this.

"He needs time and safe passage across the plains of Gorgoroth." Aragorn spoke. His voice filled with determination. He looked me in the eye and I knew exactly what he meant.

"We can give him that." I smirked at Aragorn as he nodded slightly.

"How?" Gimli asked curiously. I walked to Aragorn and leaned into his side.

"Draw out Sauron's armies." He said looking down at me.

"Empty his lands." I continued then looked to Gimli. His face was unreadable.

"Then we gather our full strength and march on the Black Gates." Gimli took a puff of smoke as Aragorn finished. Gimli's eyes widened at us and he started to cough and choke. I giggled a bit.

"We cannot achieve victory through strength of arms." Eomer walked over to us slowly. I frowned at him.

"Not for ourselves. But we can give Frodo his chance if we Keep Sauron's Eye fixed upon us. Keep him blind to all else that moves." I said sternly to him. He back off a bit.

"A Diversion." Realization rang thought Legolas' voice as he spoke from behind Eomer. I looked at him and he smiled sending shivers up my spine.

"Will suspect a trap. He will not take the bait." Gandalf shook his head to himself as if he was arguing to himself.

"Certainty of Death, small chance of Success, What are we waiting for?" Gimli nodded and stood. I let out a hearty laugh and the tension in the room lifted. Gimli, Legolas and Eomer had left the throne room leaving Aragorn, Gandalf and I behind.

"I forbid you to go!" Gandalf snapped at me as soon at the doors were closed.

"What?!" I looked to Aragorn for support but he nodded in agreement with Gandalf.

"You can't stop me!" I furiously said to them.

"Erillin, you are going to be march to the black gates! What happens if they catch you? They'll take you to him! Are you prepared to suffer the same fate as Celebrían's?!" Gandalf walked over to me and grabbed my hand.

"We need you alive!" He continued. I shook my head at him.

"Nothing you can say will stop me." I said determined. I stood my ground as I stared him deep In the eye.

"Erillin, I would be breaking my promise to your father if I were to let you fight." Aragorn said from behind. He promised my father he would take care of me. I didn't need a care taker!

"I'm sorry" I said as I back away from Gandalf's grip and towards the door.

"I can't protect you on the battle field!" Gandalf cried out.

"I need no protection! You know that!" With those words, I left. I went to the room I was staying in for the afternoon.


Within an hour of resting, it was time for the soldiers to suit up and march together for the last time. I headed to the stabled where I found Vanessa who patiently waited for me, to my surprise. Someone must of brought her along from the encampment. I kissed her nose and she neighed in delight. I mounted her and galloped though the city where the men where gathering.

"Erillin, My Lady!" I heard a voice call me. I turned and saw Faramir waving towards me.

"Be careful!" He yelled. I chuckled a bit and nodded. My eyes scanned the sea of soldiers and my eyes fluttered to one in particular. His armor was shiny and silver with the White Tree of Gondor painted on the chest plate. Aragorn looked like a King, A proper king. One that would one day, lead his people into prosperity.

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