The Road to Dimholt

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I was hit with another wave of nausea so I excused myself from the boys. I made my way to my tent when I head a weird ghostly noise then a strong cold draft flew by. I shuddered at the sudden change in temperature and looked back. I noticed a green see through person, A ghost. Another breeze blow by then it was gone. My legs began to wobble and I nearly collapsed. What was happening to me?

"M'lady? Are you alright?" A soldier came towards me and helped me stand up straight.

"Yes, I'm fine, Just tired. Thank you" He let me go and smiled at me.

"You here to bid a farewell to the men before we leave?" He asked me as if it was an innocent thing to say.

"No. I am the one they bid farewell to!" I pulled my arm away and Strode to me tent. I lay down on my mat but once my head hit the pillow, I passed out. I woke up just a few hours later. It was about 12:00 and I did not expect anyone to be up still. So I lay there, just thinking.

There was the distance sound of trotting then whispering. I began to get curious but there were heavy footsteps approaching my tent. I quickly stood and notched an arrow in my bow and aimed it at the entrance of the tent. I readied my bow when the man walked in.

"The king calls for you" The soldier said with his hands up in defeat. I nodded and lowered my bow. He dashed out of the way and I walked out into the cold moonlight. I wrapped my cloak tighter around my body.

"Erillin?" I heard someone ask me from my side. I looked over and saw Aragorn making his way to the kings tent as well.

"What is this about?" I loudly whispered to him. He shrugged.

As soon as we walked in we saw Theoden talking to someone in a cloak. The King looked at us but the man in the hooded cloak did not move.

"I take my leave." The king said. He walked out of the tent and the man in the cloak stood but did not turn. As soon at the king was well out of sight, the man lowered his hood and turned to face us. His familiar face made my heart beat faster.

"Father?" I asked above the whisper. I was shocked, he was the last person in Middle- Earth that I would expect to see right now.

"My Lord Elrond" Aragorn bowed beside me.

"I come on behalf of one whom I love." My stated slowly. I looked deep into his eyes and I knew what he meant.

"Arwen..." I whispered. My father took a step closer to us.

"Arwen is dying." As soon as he said that I dropped down to my knees. I stared at the carpeted floor. I did not know how to feel. Was I suppose to cry? Or was I suppose to be angry? My heart ached and dropped into my stomach. I just stared and listened.

"She will not long survive the evil that now spreads from Mordor. The light of the EvenStar is failing. As Sauron's power grows, her strength wanes. Arwen's life is now tied to the fate of the ring, as Erillin's life does. The shadow is upon us, Aragorn, Erillin. The end has come." Father spoke firmly and my tears rolled down my cheek. I looked up at him and narrowed my eyes.

"It will not be our end, but his." I said matching the firmness of his voice. I wiped my tears away and stood next to Aragorn.

"You ride to war, not victory. Sauron's armies march on Minas Tirith, this you know. But in secret he sends another force which will attack from the river. A Fleet of corsairs ship sails from the south. They'll be in the city in two days. You're out number, Erillin, Aragorn. You need more men." I gasped at his words. There are more Orcs?

"There are none." Aragorn said quietly. But then an Idea hits me. It is foolish but worth a try.

"There are those who dwell in the mountain" My voice was quiet and soft. I looked to my father and I knew he agreed with me. Just then a cold breezes and ghostly noise flew into the tent. I saw Aragorn turned to look at me from the corner of my eye.

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