twenty three - reunion

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🌜🐥 REAL LIFE! 👑🥺

The group of close knit friends were currently on their way to the Hawkins Middle gymnasium. When they met up with Shawn Levy and The Duffer Brothers, they were told that the young adults and Finn were going over a fake scene there so a van was waiting to drop them off. Within the two minutes it took to get there, Noah and Millie had managed to fight over Milani multiple times which made Caleb, Gaten, and Sadie laugh.

"Are you nervous?"

"Why would I be nervous? It's not like I'm meeting him for the first time" Milani snorted.

"Well yeah duh, but you've been away from each other for almost a month which means your love for each other has only grown stronger and-"

"Calm down, Mils. This isn't a romance movie" Milani laughed.

When the van stopped in front of the middle school, Millie had ordered Noah to take his phone out. At first, Milani began leading because she watched season one of stranger things so many times that she felt she knew her way around the school but Gaten jumped in front with Caleb shortly following him.

Milani and Sadie swayed in the back since they were the least educated about the set, Sadie being new to the cast and all.

"Oh, walk in and say something super slick like, um, just something slick" Gaten nodded, "Yeah, yeah."

"You're a dork."

"And I love being this way" Gaten answered proudly.

A couple grown ups were following behind them with smiles on their faces towards the young teens. Caleb opened the door for Milani and she thanked him.

Natalia, Charlie, and Dacre were sitting on the third row of the bleachers while Joe and Finn stood on the floor. Natalia looked over to the door and smiled when she saw Milani.

"So in this part, Milani, or should I say her character walks in" Natalia starts pretending to read the packet in front of her.

"Wait what? What part are you reading?" Finn questioned, flipping through his script.

When Milani was about a few feet behind him she spoke up, "So what kind of cool, bad-ass powers does my character have?"

Finn picked his head up from reading the script with furrowed eyebrows. Natalia, Dacre, Joe, and Charlie all smiled and pointed behind the oblivious boy.

Finn turned around and grinned when he scanned the girl that he liked only feet in front of him, "Milani? What the hell-?"

They quickly walked over to each other with smiles on their faces and then engulfed each other in tight hugs, "How's it hanging, Finn?"

"It's hanging great, Lani" he laughed letting go of the hug.

The five behind them were bursting with excitement at the video that they surrounded Noah for and the scene they were watching in front of them.

"You guys were in on this?"

"Yup" Caleb smirked, "and they were too" he stated pointing to the young adults who were walking over to greet Milani.

"Wait so you're taking the part?"

"Yes sir" Milani smiled.

"So, I barely even had to persuade you and I wrote down pros on why you should" Finn gasped.

"What about the cons?"

"I didn't write any obviously because I wanted you to accept the part."


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