thirty seven - boyfriend and girlfriend?

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🍋🐥 REAL LIFE! ☀️✨

As soon as Milani stepped into the halls of the Hawkins Middle set, she was bombarded by her friends. Millie, Sadie, Gaten, Noah, and Caleb surrounded her with huge smiles on their faces and a blindfold.

"Hey, where's Finn" Milani couldn't help but ask the group of friends.

Nobody answered considering they were taken back by the question, "Oh, um, well-"

Milani felt her heart drop, she figured he probably wasn't in the mood to see her, "Uh, never mind. What are we doing and why do you have a blindfold in your hands?"

Caleb looked up from the blindfold with a smirk, "We're playing Marco Polo and you're Marco."

"Okay but isn't Marco Polo played in the pool? I didn't bring swimming clothes or my mom because I have no idea where she is."

"We aren't going swimming" laughed Sadie.

"But don't you guys have a pool on set?"

"No, well, yes, but we aren't using it today" Noah snickered.

"Okay? Someone has to lead me then because I do not know my way around this school" stated Milani.

"Boys against girls" Gaten confirmed.

They all got ready and hyped up to play. The boys getting ready to run down the hall before Milani spoke up.

"Fine by me, you guys are going down-downtown."

Immediately they turned around with confused looks on their faces, "What did you just say?"

"What- downtown. You guys have never heard that saying before?"

"No, and let's hope we never hear it again" Millie giggled.

Milani jokingly rolled her eyes and Sadie helped her tie the blindfold around her head, making sure it covered her eyes, while Millie held onto her left arm and motioned for the boys to lead her down to the gym.


"Polo!" Caleb yelled.

Milani heard a door being open and some chatter stop, she figured it was the boys conversation on where to go.

"Okay turn to the left, we're going in a room" Millie proclaimed.

"Idiots, why would you go into a room" Milani questioned with a laugh.

"Yeah, right, a very small room" Sadie mumbled.

"Marco!" Milani shouted.

"Polo!" Gaten spoke back.

"Oh my god, this room is big. Why don't the girls have blindfolds on?" Milani whined.

"Because they don't, deal with it" Caleb answered.

"We picked the right room, trust me" Noah projected.

Milani had her hands out in front of her swatting the air, trying to find one of the three boys.

"Marco!" Milani barked.

"Polo" Finn spoke smoothly.

Milani stuck her arms out and touched somebody, "Ha! Whoever this is it's not Noah because they're tall."

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