twenty nine - playful interviews

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The IT cast reunited and chatted about things that happened when they were separated

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The IT cast reunited and chatted about things that happened when they were separated. Soon after they were separated into duos, and to no surprise they paired Finn and Milani together because it would be more interesting for fans.

They gave both of them microphones being it was one of the interviews where they both interviewed each other, some would say it was one of those fun interviews.

"Okay we're rolling in 3...2...1" the camera man then pointed towards them and they smiled into the camera.

Finn was the first to speak, "Hi guys, Finn here. I'm sitting with the one and only amazing Milani."

Milani turned to Finn with the microphone held up to her mouth, "I have a last name too, gosh Finn."

"Shit you're right, my mistake," he held his hands up in surrender.

Milani gasped surprised at the words that came out his mouth considering Finn was a private person, "Um this isn't what I signed up for."

The crew behind the camera laughed and the camera man pointed to the watch on his hand signaling for them to start answering questions about their characters.

"What do you love most about your character?" Finn comes up with a question on the spot.

"Well, I love that Stephanie is totally confident and bad-ass" Milani quickly stops herself and then covers her mouth, "I'm sorry, I don't know if I'm allowed to curse."

Finn just sat there laughing with his hands on his knees not even bothering to notice the flustered Milani on his left, "I just did."

"You're fine, continue."

"Well, Finn Wolfhard, what was the best part about getting to play iconic, Richie Tozier?"

Finn caught his breath and calmed himself down, "Well, that's hard-"

"Doesn't matter you have to answer."

"I know" Finn jokingly yelled, "I'm going to say being able to come up with my own trash lines. Like most of the things that were said was improv and it was fun having to get into my character that way."

Milani nodded her head and smiled at him which caused him to turn his head and do the same. After they asked a few more questions, someone from behind the camera told them to tell the viewers why they should watch the movie.

"Because Finn freaking Wolfhard is in it" Milani said in a duh tone.

Finn slightly pushed her and rolled his eyes playfully, "Because Milani freaking Mills is in it."

They laughed before getting serious, "I think you should watch IT because it has different concepts that everyone can relate to whether you're a kid, teen, or adult."

"Although you probably should wait to watch it if you're a kid" Finn nervously laughed.

"Right, also we have some amazing actors and actresses who did their absolute best to bring Stephen King's characters to life. We promise it'll be amazing!"

"Don't forget to watch it in a theatre near you" Finn started.

"On September eighth!"


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