thirty three - it premiere

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☀️🌜REAL LIFE! 🍯📒

The bus ride was full of laughter, sing alongs, and teasing. When they got to the theater there were swarms of photographers, journalists, and interviewers lined up on the side of the red carpet.

They had multiple people stand up by the school bus with their heads down and hoods of their yellow rain coats up, holding red balloons in their hands which Milani found pretty cool and terrifying at the same time.

Andy instructed the main cast also known as the losers club to go first. Sophia was first to get off the bus with a large smile with Milani closely behind copying her actions. After them, the boys piled out more calm then they had been on the bus.

They stood in front of the bus in a line so they could take their first group photo of the night.

"Woah this is so cool" Jack was the first to speak up as they waited to be assigned someone to hold the signs up with their names.

"I know, let's hope I don't trip and embarrass myself again" Milani shrugged.

"If you trip, I'll catch you before you fall" Chosen stated with a laugh.

"Chosen! Finn is suppose to be the one to say that" Wyatt demanded.

The group laughed making Finn blush. After a small conversation they were whisked away separately to take their solo photos first. Milani felt as if she was almost blinded by all the flashing lights. She often forgot how the busy red carpets made her feel slightly anxious.

Milani held a smile on her face most of the time but it got wider when they brought her back to the friends she had quickly grown close with.

She had taken duo pictures with most of them, including Bill, except for Jeremy and Wyatt.

"Guys over here!"

"Look over here."

"I'm going to need glasses after this premiere" Finn joked squinting his eyes at the cameras.

"Milani is going to need a boyfriend after this premiere" Jaeden projected towards him.

"Finn, I'm sure you'll happily oblige" Sophia entered.

"Shut up" Finn and Milani yelled in unison.

After spending an hour taking photos and doing interviews, it was time for everyone to get seated so the movie could start.

"Think they'll like it?" Milani whispered to Finn who sat on her right.

The lights dimmed and a loud applause rang through the crowd before he turned to his date, "They'll love it."

Milani nodded her head with a grin and turned back to the screen, "Did you get asked if I was your date, you know, in the interviews?"

Finn spoke lightly, "Yeah, I hesitantly answered yes. Is that alright?"

"It's perfectly fine, I said the same except with more stutter."

Jack from the left of Milani slowly leaned forward so he could look at both them, "Can you two lovebirds save the romance for after the movie so one, we can all hear, and two, watch the movie that just started."

They both laughed quietly and turned back to the screen. Jack leaned a little closer to Milani to ask, "Did you tell him?"

She widened her eyes and looked at him guiltily, "I forgot, I was so busy with all the filming and photoshoots. He'll be fine."

"Is that a question or a statement?"

"I don't know, both?"

Jack shook his head with a sarcastic smile. Milani, for the last time, faced towards the screen where the first scene showed. Finn fought in his head about whether he should hold Milani's hand or not, afraid that people would see and spread rumors.

But today was an exciting day, and he was in an exciting moment so he ended the debate with himself and gently grabbed Milani's hand that rested on top of the arm rest. He turned his head to see her with a large smile as she watched Jackson and Jaeden appear on the screen.


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