"Get the hell out of Hawkins!"

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Max sighed at the sign on the arcade machine. This was the third game this week to be out of order. It wasn't so bad at first, but now Dig Dug was broken. Dig Dug was her favorite game to play. Her week had already been bad enough. Mike, as usual, made everyone avoid her at school. But this week was worse. They weren't even able to look at her. It was like they believed if they looked at her, they would turn to stone. Max didn't understand why, but frankly, she didn't care either. Max had grown used to the shitty way they'd been treating her. It wasn't any worse than what she dealt with at home. Max heard a honk outside, and saw her brother pull up. She huffed and grabbed her skateboard, walking outside. She got in his car, not a word being said.
"Has that Sinclair boy bothered you at all?" Billy asked. Max huffed, shaking her head.
"No. As far as I know, him and all his friends still hate me." Max answered, not daring to look at him.
"Well you're gonna have to make some friends soon, because I'm leaving this hellhole. In a week." Billy told her. Max looked at him.
"My Mom is letting me move home with her." Billy said. Max turned back to the window, watching as the car drove by the trees.

- - -

Max walked up to the school the next day and relaxed. Not many students were there yet. She was 30 minutes early. She dropped her skateboard and started skating around. She stared at her feet, making sure to balance. She accidentally bumped into someone. Max looked up. She saw an all too familiar brown eyes boy.
"Watch where you going!" Mike said as he walked by. Max saw nobody else with him. She growled and turned around.
"Okay asshole, what the hell is your problem?! I've left you alone for a week! I don't have a damn disease so why are you treating me like I do?!" Max asked in a loud tone. Mike turned to her.
"If you want to know the truth, El is starting school today. And I don't want you annoying the shit out of us and ruining her first day! Is that too hard to ask Maxine?!" Mike snapped. Max crossed her arms.
"Of course. Because I'm such a stuck up bitch that I can't go a day without annoying you!" Max said sarcastically.
"I'm glad you finally noticed that yourself!" Mike retorted. Max huffed.
"Mike, I don't want to be in your party! I know you don't want me there! So why are you treating me like a piece of shit?" Max asked. Mike rolled his eyes.
"Don't you get it Max! I don't like you! I hate you! And so does El! We don't want you in our party! Hell, we don't want you in Hawkins! So why don't you do us all a big favor!-" mike said as max cut him off.
"Oh, and what's that wheeler?"

"Get the hell out of Hawkins!"

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