"This may be the only chance to do it."

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A/N: quick reminder that the kids are like 16 so yeah just a plothole I noticed

-time skip to saturday-

It was finally Saturday and Lucas and Mike were getting along again, so the group was back to normal. And everyone had went out shopping for party supplies.  They all had got back to the house five minutes before, and Max was regretting agreeing to the idea. Max huffed as she carried in the grocery bags full of chips. Will, Dustin, and Lucas followed behind with bags of more supplies. Mike laughed at them all. He pulled up to them in his wheelchair.
"Holy shit. That's a lot of chips." Mike commented. Max snorted and rolled her eyes.
"No shit Sherlock. They just HAD to get Cheetos because they were on sale!" Max remarked. Dustin huffed.
"Look we need to spend as little cash as possible on this party! If my mom finds out I bored 50 dollars from her she will kill me!" Dustin retorted. Max shrugged her shoulders. Lucas was looking outside.
"Who's that?" Lucas asked, pointing out the window. Suddenly, a figure came bursting through the door. It was Adelaine.
"I got word that you guys are having a party and I'm an expert at parties so FEAR NOT, this party will be AMAZING!" Adelaine announced. Dustin and Will smiled.
"That was an awesome monologue. Up top!" Will complimented her. She high fived Dustin and Will. Lucas looked at her with a confused expression.
"Lucas, this is our friend Adelaine." Mike introduced her to Lucas.
"Yeah, she helped us out when Stacy was harassing us at the diner a couple weeks ago by acting like she had the hots for Mike." Max explained to Lucas. Adelaine smirked.
"It's also when Max found out that Mike has a kink-"
"OKAY WE GET IT! DAMN." Mike yelled, cutting Adelaine off before the boys heard her. Max and Adelaine snickered. The boys ignored it. Adelaine held a few bags of decorations.
"Alright, I'll decorate and get everything set up. Everyone go get ready!" Adelaine told everyone. The boys said their goodbyes. They left. Max left quickly after. Mike sighed.
"I got a bad feeling about this." He said to himself.


Max shuffled through her closet. She sighed. She didn't have any party clothes, and she only had one friend who is a girl, and that's Adelaine. She's busy getting the party set up.
"Hey honey." Max heard her mother speak. She turned and saw her mom standing in the doorway.
"Is something wrong?" She asked Max. Max nodded her head.
"Mike is throwing a party at his house and I have no idea how to dress. But I do know that my clothes won't cut it." Max ranted. Her mom grinned.
"I can help you with that." She told Max. She walked down the hall to her room and came back a few minutes later with am outfit. She showed it to Max. Max looked at it in surprise.
"Wow! It looks cool." Max complimented her mom. She smiled.
"You'll look great in it." Her mom assured her. Max took the outfit and walked into the bathroom. She changed and looked in the mirror. Her eyes widened.
"Holy shit!"


Mike walked down the stairs. He was wearing his jean jacket, a black t shirt, and regular jeans. He heard the doorbell ring. He used his crutches and walked over to the door. He answered it. Dustin, Lucas, and Will walked in. They gawked at the decorations and the set up. Mike smiled.
"I know right. Adelaine is a life saver."  Mike told the guys. Adelaine walked out of the bathroom. She smiled at everyone.
"Alright. Outfits look nice. Now, I invited a bunch of people from the higher grades so that it at least looks like you have a crowd. And probably everyone in the freshman class is coming." Adelaine told them. They shrugged their shoulders. There was a knock on the door. Adelaine answered it. Mike sighed. Everyone glared.
"Mike, we have to talk." The person said. Mike rolled his eyes.
"What do you want El?" Mike asked. El walked in. She walked into the living room. Mike followed behind her.
"I've been a bitch. I'm sorry." El apologized. Mike raised an eyebrow.
"You came all the way here to tell me that?" Mike said in disbelief. El shoved her hands into her pockets.
"No. I also came over to tell you something. I found out something about Max that you probably don't know. Even though you should." El explained. Mike rolled his eyes.
"I can't believe you. You expect me to listen to you run your mouth about Max because you hat!-"
"She's sick." El interrupted him. Mike stopped talking.
"What?" He asked. El handed him a picture. It was a picture of Max, passed out in a hospital bed.
"Hopper found out from her parents that she has Leukemia. She hasn't told you because she doesn't want you to worry about it." El told Mike. Mike shook his head.
"You're lying. Get out." Mike snapped at El. El's eyes watered.
"Fine. But I warned you." El replied. She walked out of the house. Mike set the picture on top of the shelf.
"Do you think she's lying?" Dustin asked. Mike nodded his head.
"She's trying to ruin our relationship. Next thing you know, she'll tell me that I have a bird in my stomach. She's nuts." Mike answered. Everyone was silent.
"Alright, I'll go get the music started." Mike told them. He walked over to the CD player. (A/N: idk if cd's were a thing yet in this time but we're gonna pretend they were for the sake of the story) He put a random CD in. He heard cars outside and people. He walked over to the door. People ran up to the door. He held them back.
"Don't destroy my house or you all will be cleaning it." Mike wanted everyone. He let everyone in. People rushed around the house. He saw Max walking up to the door. His jaw dropped.
"Holy shit." Will said in surprise. Max blushed as she walked up.
"It's freezing out here." She told Mike. He let her inside and closed the door.


~2 hours later~

"Alright! Everyone round up!" One of the seniors yelled. Everyone came to the living room.
"Alright, now every party has at least 1 game of Spill or Fill." The senior said. Max raised an eyebrow as she sat down by Mike.
"There is only 1 rule. You will be asked 1 question by any of us. You have to answer, or you have to take a swig." The senior announced as he shook a beer bottle. Max and Mike looked at each other worriedly.
"Alright, who goes first?" The senior asked. Stacy spoke.
"How about Maxine. She was the new girl. We never really learned anything about her." Stacy remarked. Max rolled her eyes.
"Don't call me that! I go by Max." Max snapped back. Stacy smirked and took a drink from the cup in her hand.
"So, why did you move to this piece of shit town?" Stacy asked Max. Mike looked at Max. So did the boys. Max stared at her hands.
"I got into a lot of trouble at my old school. So to clear my name, we moved. My stepdad found a job in town." Max answered. Stacy made a face.
"What kind of trouble?" Stacy asked bitterly. Max rolled her eyes. Then she smirked. She stood up. She walked over to stacy. She took Stacy's cup.
"This kind of trouble, bitch." Max answered. She threw the drink in Stacy's face. Stacy tackled her. Max flipped Stacy over. Stacy hit the ground. Max held her in a headlock.
"Get out of this house. Or else I'll make you my bitch you slut." Max warned Stacy. She let go of Stacy. Stacy ran out of the house. People laughed and cheered. Mike stood up and went into the kitchen. Max followed him.
"You okay?" Max asked him. Mike's eyes watered.
"Are you sick?" Mike asked. Max raised an eyebrow.
"Do you have Leukemia?" Mike asked. Max's eyes watered.
"W- who told you?" Max asked in return. Mike shook his head.
"Doesn't matter. Are you sick?" Mike asked. Max nodded her head. Mike frowned.
"Why? F- for how long?" Mike asked in a worried tone. They both went upstairs to Mike's room. Mike set his crutches down. He locked his door. He turned to Max.
"It's not as bad as it sounds. I have a small tumor in my chest. I'm getting surgery to get it out next month. If they're able to get it out I'll be fine. Don't worry about it." Max assured Mike. He sighed and sat down on his bed.
"Why can't life just be easy? All this shit is going on so we never really can just have a nice time together. Something always has to ruin it." Mike rambled. He rested his head in his hands. Max bit her lip. She took a deep breath.
"Well, there's nothing here to ruin this moment." Max told Mike. Mike looked up at her. Max kissed him. He kissed her back. She climbed up onto Mike's lap. She pulled lightly at Mike's hair. Mike groaned. Mike pulled away.
"M- Max. We can't do this, not right now. There's tons of people here." Mike told Max. Max got off of Mike. She fixed her outfit.
"Okay. I'll meet you downstairs then." Max replied. Max got to the door and remembered one weakness.

"So, you have a daddy kink?" Max asked Mike. He almost chokes on his drink.
"What?!" He asked. Max laughed.
"You've been fidgeting and been staring at your feet ever since she called you-" mike cut max off.
"Don't say it!" Mike interrupted her. Max snickered.
"Wow, I know something the boys don't for once." Max said. Mike rolled his eyes.
*end of flashback*

Max smirked.
"See you downstairs, daddy." Max told Mike. Max started to walk out the door. She felt Mike grab her waist and pull her back in the room. He slammed the door closed and locked it. He kissed Max roughly.
"I thought you said we had to wait." Max asked as Mike kissed down her neck.
"To hell with waiting! I've been waiting a year for this." Mike snapped back. Max's cheeks turned pink. Max threw her jacket off.
"You sure about this?" Max asked. Mike grabbed her shirt.
"This may be the only chance to do it." Mike told her. He lifted her shirt over her head.


A/N: Thank you guys for all the support! ♡ I will try to upload another chapter tomorrow. And don't get freaked out the kids are aged up to 16 in this story. Anyways, bye for now!! ☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆

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