Chapter 2

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After Jess finished her business upstairs, she grabbed a cup of water and walked back down the stairs to "the band room". Once she got at the end of the staircase the boys were exactly as she left them.

"I swear, it's like you guys don't function without me here!" Jess laughed as they all looked up from their phones.

"It's 'cause we don't Jessy," Michael said teasingly with a smile.

"You're telling me Mikey!" She said with the same teasing tone.

She could tell he was about to retaliate with a snide remark by the scowl he wore, but thankfully they were interrupted when a set of strong arms wrapped around her waist, and Jess knew exactly who they belonged to: Josh.

"Hey babe," he said gruffly in his thick accent. He turned Jess around in his arms to face him and kissed the spot where her jaw met her neck.

Luke watched intrigued as Josh hungrily nipped at the nape of her neck. He heard a small gasp escape from her lips as she put her hands on his chest attempting to push him away, but it only made his grasp tighter, and Luke could see the smirk he had laid against her shoulder, keeping his eyes closed.

He wasm't sure why, but Luke felt this sudden burn in his chest, he almost felt... angry... but he didn't know why. Was he... jealous?

Luke turned to face the other boys to find them completely oblivious to the world around them except for them couple in front of them. Luke noticed the slght scowl Michael wore, remembering the crush he had on Jess.

Luke's mind went back to the memory of when Michael had first told them his feelings about her.

Luke snapped his attention back to the couple in front of them as they sat and watched together like kids at the zoo.

Michael was jealous to say the least. He knew she had a boyfriend, he knew she was his and they were just doing what couples do, but that didn't change the fact that Michael still liked her and wanted her to be his, NOT Josh's.

He was a douche anyway. He was nothing but a pain in her arse and broke her heart multiple times. Michael didn't know why she continued to take him back. They'd been on and off for the past 9 months, and Michael was tired of him.

He wanted to say something but then she'd know how he felt. He saw Luke look at him through his peripheral vision; he looked kind of upset. Did he like her too? Michael couldn't tell, and he couldn't stand watching them any longer.

"I'm going to get something to drink." He grumbled before stomping up the stairs.

Jess tried to push him away, but he tightened his grip, as she let out a gasp. He knew what she liked and she knew what he liked, but she was not into that when she could physically feel the guys watching them like zoo animals. She heard Michael say something before walking up the stairs.

"Uhm... Josh? Can we - can we not do this here? In - in front of all the guys?" Jess asked in between gasps for air. She felt him run his tongue across the sore spot he left between her neck and shoulder, causing her to pull in a sharp breath.

"Okay," he smirked, "we'll finish this later." He said seductively with a wink, making the butterflies in Jess's stomach flutter their wings faster and harder.

"I actually have to go, I just stopped bye to say 'hi' and... ya know...." he said smiling.

"Okay, well I love you!" Jess said with a smile as she watched her boyfriend walked up the stairs.

"Eh- yeah." he replied before stalking up the stairs.

Jess wasn't going to deny it, yeah it hurt when he didn't say it back, but it's something she'd learned to get used to, as he never really showed any sentimentality towards her.

She heard Ashton clear his throat, causing her to turn around. Jess saw them all cross their arms, tapping one foot. They all had a smirk played out across their lips, causing Jess to look at the ground.

"So! I see he left you with a souvenir." Ashton said slyly, gesturing to the sore spot where Jess's neck and shoulder met.

She nervously cleared her throat, face flushed.

"I uh... I guess he did...." she nervously laughed, running her fingers over the sore spot.

All the boys chuckled except for Luke. He actually looked kind of upset. The other guys continued to tease Jess when eventually Luke groaned and then stormed off and up the stairs.

"What's his problem?" Ashton asked insensitively, "it's not like we were teasing him." he said in the same tone.

"Oh he was probably just jealous that he wasn't the one making Jess gasp for air like she hadn't heard of oxygen in a year." Calum chuckled to himself.

Jess blushed and Michael came back down the stairs shortly after.

"The prick's gone, right? I was hiding in the kitchen and I heard the front door open, but I hid a bit longer just to be safe." Michael explained honestly.

Jess had tried to defend him and think of good reasons of why he wasn't a prick, but... she honestly couldn't think of anything.

"See? Prick." Michael said matter-of-fact-ly, which made Calum and Ashton laugh.

"I'm going upstairs to find Luke" Jess sighed rolling her eyes.


She walked up to her room and looked at the mass of bankets in the middle of her bed as it shifted a little. Had it been anyone else, she probably would've flipped, but with any of the guys, she didn't really mind.

Jess slowly sat down at the edge of the bed and Luke shuffled closer to the wall; he was either asleep, or mad at her. She gently put her hand on his back but he moved away from her touch.

"Go away." he mumbled.

Jess threw herself on top of him repeatedly saying, "don't be mad at meeeee!!" Eventually he caved and wrapped his arms around her waist and cuddle her back.

After a while of silence, Jess nuzzled her head into the nape of his neck, and whispered, "Why were you mad at me?"

He didn't really reply for a while and then he just shrugged.

"I don't know... I saw you and Josh... and... I don't know, I guess I just got... jealous?"

She cooed at him and tightened her hold.

"It's okay to be jealous! We've been best friends for so long, and seeing me give attention to any other guy that isn't you or the other guys is probably just really weird for you."

It made sense to him, yeah, but Luke don't think that was it. Eventually he sighed and gave her a nod. They didn't speak about it after that and just stayed in silence.


- Morgan

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