Chapter 7

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Thirteen days. Thirteen days since Michael had left. No signs or anything. He didn't even tell his parents he was leaving. Everyone just hoped he was okay.

Jess's thoughts are so scrambled right now. What even happened when he left? What happened with Josh? When will-

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a sigh emit from Ashton's mouth.

"Did he answer?" Calum asked, anxiously standing from his seated position.

"Nope...." Ashton sighed as he shook his head. He sighed loudly in annoyance, ruffling his hair as he made his way to the sofa. He sat down next to Jess and dropped his head into his hands.

"It's gonna be alright Ash. I'm sure he's fine." She said with a weak smile, not sure which one of them she was trying to convince. She rubbed his back soothingly as he continued to stress about Michael's safety.

He startled her as he jumped up and a loud gasp escaped his mouth.

"I've got it! Jess! You have to call. Surely he'll answer if it's you calling!" he said enthusiastically.

"I- I don't know... what if he-" She started.

"Pleeeeeeeeaasee!" he whined.

"Fine, I'll give it a shot I guess...." She sighed picking up her phone and dialing his number.


Michael stared at his phone on the bedside table, as he was sat on the springy bed of the shady motel. He looked at his still scraped and bruised knuckles, an obvious reminder of the beating he had given to Josh the night he left.

He jumped up at the buzzing noise his phone made before checking the caller ID: Jess.

He couldn't just ignore it! He already felt horrible for not answering the guys, but he just didn't want to speak to anyone... but Jess.... After a whole 19 seconds of contemplating, he was barely able to hit the green button to answer her call.

"H-hey, Jess...." He said after clearing his throat.

"Oh my God! Michael! Thank God you answered! We're all worried sick about you! Wait... where are you?" she said.

"I- well... I'm not sure I should tell you.... You see, I'm sort of hiding from the law?" He said apprehensively.

"What? Why?!" she said, concern lacing her voice.

"Well you see-"

"Don't stall! What did you do?"

"Well, when I said I was going to kick his arse...."

"Michael. Get to the point please. What did you do?"

Michael let out a loud sigh... Jess knew him too well and he wouldn't be able to get out of this one.

"I gave him a black eye, split both his lips, gave him a bruised jaw maybe even broke it, as well as his nose, and cracked a few of his ribs, might have broken those too...?"

"Wait, wait, wait.... You're hiding because you beat the shit out of my boyfriend? Well... ex-boyfriend?"

"Uh-huh...." He said, almost childlike.

"Oh Michael." she said. Ironically she sounded like a mother scolding a child who had done something wrong.

"Why do you fear the police will-"

"Because Jess," Michael interrupted harshly. "I don't know how long he had been unconscious after I continued to hit him...." He finished, his voice much more timid. "After that I just... left." He quietly concluded.


"What if he woke up and told the police I had been there..."

"Michael, I don't think you-"

"No. What if I killed him? What if I beat him to death?"

"Uh... Michael... I-"

"If I get arrested, this won't just affect me... it'll affect all of the boys...." Michael said, concerned.

"Michael, you're scaring me...."

"Jessy. I'm scared...." He whispered.


"What's going to happen if I go back."



"When you come back."

"Wha- I don't-"

"You said 'if' you come back, but you meant 'when'. You- you are coming back. Right?"

"Jess... I-"


"Jason's...." Michael said, a weak smile on his face.

"What?" she said.

"I'm at the motel near Jason's house...." He said, and he could hear her giggle through the tears, and it was the most beautiful sound.

"What on earth are you doing there?!That's the worst side of town!" She said, worry in her voice.

"Well I got as far as my car would take me." He chuckled.

"What's the address? I'm coming to get you." she said, And Michael could hear the jingling of her keys as she grabbed them and started moving around the house. He gave her the address, she wrote it down then hung up.


"Did you get a hold of him?" Ashton said, as all three of them stood from the couch at the same time.

"Yeah." Jess said, a huge smile grazing her face.

"Really? Hey, where are you going?" Calum said, gesturing to the keys in her hand.

"To pick up Michael, duh." Jess said, rolling her eyes as if it were the most obvious thing.

"Ooh! We wanna come!" they all said childishly.

"Then get your shoes on and we'll head out!" Jess said, starting towards the stairs that led from her basement to the rest of the house.

Jess giggled to herself hearing the boys stumble over each other and figure out who's shoes belonged to who. She continued up the stairs and made her way to the front door. She opened it and couldn't believe what she saw.

"Hey," He said through a pair of healing lips.



Oh no....

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