Chapter 9

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"Ash... I think I'm in love with Jess..."

That was the first thing Michael heard when he reached the bottom of the staircase. He was infuriated, to say the least. He dropped his full duffel bag on the floor, making a loud 'thud' emit around the room. All of the boys turned their heads and looked straight at him.

He wasn't sure how he looked, but it must've been pretty scary judging by the expression the guys wore. Michael hastily made his way towards the couch and grabbed the collar of Luke's shirt, pulling him up on his feet. Luke may have been taller than Michael, but that didn't necessarily mean he was stronger. Although he had never seen Luke do any damage, he and the other guys knew Michael could do a fair amount.

"Hey, hey hey! C'mon Mate, lets not do anything rash here...." Ashton said warily.

"You think you're in love with Jess, huh?" Michael asked a timid Luke, ignoring Ashton's earlier remark, "Well step off, 'cause you know that I like her, and nobody's getting in my way." He shouted pulling his fist back and thrusting it in the direction of Luke's face until it came to an abrupt stop.

Michael looked at his fist to see Luke had caught his throw. He looked up to see Luke no longer stood shy or timid, but almost intimidating. Michael felt his eyes grow wide as Luke pulled back his own fist, Causing Michael to squeeze his eyes shut as they began to sting once Luke's fist had connected with Michael's nose.

Michael put his hand up under his nose and looked at the blood on his fingertips.

"Fuck you!" Michael shouted at Luke as he shoved him back.

He pulled his fist back and attempted another punch, this time successfully giving Luke a matching nose bleed. Before either of them knew it, they were on the floor, alternating who took the dominating position.

Michael didn't remember a whole lot from the fight, although he did remember slamming his fist into Luke's right cheek, as well as his lip and left eye, and he also remembered punching him hard in the ribs, but not as hard as he did to Josh. Although, Michael wasn't going to lie, Luke got him too.

In the end, Calum and Ashton pulled them apart, and they were both pretty bruised and bloody.

Jess woke up to screaming and shouting. She had no clue what it was until she realized it was coming from the basement. She began to walk from her room and was surprised to see her mum was awake too. She was relieved that it was too dark in there for Kate to see her face.

"Um Jess? Do you know what that noise is?" She asked, almost frightened.

"Oh I'm sure it's just the boys messing around. Don't worry, go back to bed and I'll check on them." Jess said with a reassuring smile. Her mother nodded before disappearing back into her room.

Jess walked down to the basement, shocked to see Ashton holding Michael back and Calum doing the same to Luke.

"What're you guys doing?!" Jess asked.

"They were fighting over-"

"Something stupid." Ashton said glaring at Calum.

"You guys were fighting?!" She asked, shocked as she rushed over to both boys and tilting their chins so she could see their injuries.

Michael was closer, so she got him first. Jess almost thought she saw him smirk at Luke, but Just chose to ignore it. Michael had a bloody nose, bruised cheek, and he was bleeding on the corner of his mouth. Jess needed to see if he was injured anywhere else so she lifted his shirt, making him flinch (he was probably just surprised), however, he only seemed to have minor bruising on his chest.

"Hey, what happened to your face?" Michael asked with concern, tilting Jess's chin up as well.

"Oh it was nothing, I just fell is all...." Jess lied, moving her head away from his grasp.


"Don't worry about it Michael, it's late and if you must know, I'll tell you tomorrow when I'm not mending your wounds!" Jess snapped, a bit annoyed that she was woken up at 12:09AM in the first place.

Jess switched over to check Luke, immediately lifting his shirt first. He had some bad bruising on his ribs, so she felt them to make sure that none were broken or cracked; they weren't.

Once that was done, Jess grabbed the nape of his neck and tugged him down to her level since he was a bit taller than Michael. She must've startled him because of the look in his eyes. His left eye was swollen, he had a busted lip, and bruised jaw, but it wouldn't be broken.

"You guys are idiots...." Jess said, starting up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Luke and Michael pouted.

"To get stuff to clean you up, duh." She said, not bothering to stop walking.


Jess came back down to find Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton huddled up talking. She was trying to listen in from a bit further up the stairs but they immediately stopped talking when she accidentally dropped the bottle of peroxide.

"Thank God." Calum muttered.

Jess giggled and then made her way over to the guys. She walked over to Luke since he was closer this time. She then made her way to the sofa and put all of the supplies in between them.

Jess grabbed Luke's shoulders to steady herself then she sat down to straddle him.

She got the peroxide and poured some onto a cotton ball, and began to dab it on his busted lip and the small cut near his eye. He flinched a little bit and she wasn't sure if it was because of the coldness or if it stung.

"Does that hurt?" Jess giggled.

"A little. It's still sore...."

It wasn't but five seconds later Jess heard "Love Hurts" being played through Calum's phone speaker, she didn't know what else to do but laugh as Luke told him to knock it off.

Once she finished Luke, she got up and walked over to Michael and straddled him as well. Just as Jess was about to clean up his bloody nose when he moved his face away.

"What're you doing?" Jess asked rolling her eyes, still annoyed with the fact that they woke her up this early in the first place and the he wasn't even letting her take care of him.

Michael just pouted at her. A second later they heard Calum playing "Baby Come Back", making Jess and the rest of the guys start laughing again, before Michael very rudely told them to "shut the fuck up and turn the music off."

After they were all done with that, Jess went back to work. She bit her lip in concentration while cleaning the blood up from under his nose. Michael lifted her chin up to look at the bruising under her eye, making her flinch at his sudden touch.

He lightly skimmed over the cut on her lip, making her wince at the stinging sensation.

"Sorry" he said calmly.

"It's fine...." Jess barely whispered.

He stopped touching Jess and allowed her to continue cleaning his face. After that she went straight to bed, exhausted from all of the past events from earlier that day.


Hey guys, sorry this chapter kind of sucked but I had major writer's block. I'm running out of ideas for this story .-. AGH! K bye -.-

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