Chapter 4

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As Luke awoke, he felt a soft breeze on his face.

He turned away from the bother that was waking him up and was now facing the wall. He heard a soft giggle, and then felt another light breeze on the back of his neck.

"Go away!" He groaned.

She giggled before saying, "No! I live here!"

Luke groaned and then quickly turned around so that he was facing her, the sudden movement startling her a bit.

"Love you Jessy." Luke let out a sigh of content, with a small smile.

"I love you too Lukey!" she replied sweetly.


"Bye guys! I'll see you all later!" Jess called as she walked up the stairs from her basement.

She walked up to her room to get ready. She was going to surprise Josh at his house.

She looked at the finished product in the mirror: long, dark chesnut waves in her hair; green eyes topped with a thin, winged line of eyeliner as well as some mascara; a Beatles shirt on that she had cropped herself; some acid-washed denim, high-waisted shorts; some combat boots; and her shoulder bag.

Seeing as she ended up fairly content with her results, she walked out of the door from her room, down the stairs, and out the front door; not before calling to her mum saying that she loved her of course.

Once she had gotten herself into her vehicle, seatbelt and radio on, she got a sudden wave of excitement and couldn't wait to start the engine.

She started her car and turned the radio up. She put her car in reverse and was about to head towards her destination when she realized she was low on gas. She sighed and started the short drive toward the nearest gas station, spending the short couple of minutes singing along to Paramore songs. Once she arrived to the gas station, she got out of her car and walked into the small building filled with snacks to pay for her gas.

Jess looked around and saw an attractive young man who she believed to be the cashier.

"Hello, Miss. How may I help you today?" he asked politely.

"Oh I just need 20 on number 9, please." She replied.

"Of course." he said with a smile, kindly taking the money from me.

I was about to walk out when he called out to me again.


"Yes?" Jess asked intrigued.

"Um well... I was wondering," he began shyly, "would you like to go out sometime? It's okay if you don't want to, it's just.. I thought you were very pretty.." he spoke shyly.

"Oh I wish I could, but I have a boyfriend...." Jess replied politely, using an honest tone, as she sent an apologetic look his way.

"Oh... I should've guessed. As I've said before, you're very pretty." he said quietly, giving a weak smile.

Jess felt bad, so she promised him she'd try to contact him if ever things didn't work out between her and Josh.

Jess walked back out to her car and began to put the gas in. As usual, boys were staring and trying to flirt as she not-so-nicely told them to "fuck off". Once all of that was finally over, she got back in her car and began the fifteen minute drive to Josh's house.


By the time Jess arrived, the sun had just about finished setting. She pulled into the driveway and started up the the pathway to his front door.

She grabbed the spare key underneath the potted plant outside the front of the house. She unlocked the door and let herself in. She slipped her shoes off and walked further into the house setting the key down on the small table by the front door.

Jess walked further down the entryway, making her way to the staircase. She got a little more excited to see him with each step she took. Jess could feel the exhilaration grow with every pump of her heart. It was like straight ecstasy.

Once she was at the top, She made her way towards his bedroom. She slowly opened the door to see the bare back of whom she thought was Josh. That was until she saw the woman flip her pretty blonde hair up over her back.

Jess's jaw fell open as she felt the dampness of her tears well up in my eyes. She choked out a sob making the pretty girl turn around and Josh look towards her as well.

"Jess! I swear! It's not what it looks like!" he lied. The gorgeous blonde got herself off of him as he began to stand up, covering himself with a sheet he took from the tangled pile of covers on his bed.

Jess shook her head as she felt the stream begin. She turned herself around and began to storm off toward the stairs. She could hear him calling her name but she couldn't bring herself to stop and look at him.

Once she found herself at the bottom of the staircase, putting her shoes back on, he began to catch up, but she was already halfway out the door. He was able to grab her wrist, but she pulled away, turning to face him herself.

"Jess, I-"

"How could you?!" She sobbed interrupting whatever he was going to say. She waited a good fifteen seconds for him to reply, but dumbfounded, he silently stood there with his mouth open as if he was going to say something but didn't know where to start.

Jess shook her head in disbelief and scoffed, "Unbelievable... You really are a prick." She sobbed as more perspiration fell onto her cheeks.

Jess turned around and began back out the door, still crying.

Jess couldn't believe she ever trusted him. He tried to chase after her, but she was already in the safety of her car. Jess switched gears and started driving away, still sobbing. She didn't know where she was going or when she'd be back, She just knew it was going to be a long drive to calm down and just cry.


It wasn't until about midnight that Jess finally returned home. She walked into the house, still sobbing a bit. She made her way down to the "band room" where she found all of the guys (except for Michael) talking and laughing on the couch.

They hadn't noticed her standing there until she accidentally sobbed. Luke immediately stood up and walked over to her, pulling her in for a hug, not even bothering to ask what happened.

"He cheated on me... Josh cheated on me...." I quietly sobbed into his shirt.

"Shh, you're okay Jess, you're okay. Don't cry," he said soothingly in my ear as I continued to sob.


Aww! Poor Jess! You guys... Michael was right :( meh so anyway, I hope you guys aren't confused or anything, cuz I kinda am... where's Michael?!? I guess you'll find out ;) god I suck at being mysterious xD anyway, hope you're liking the story! Love you guys!!
- Morgan
Also! By the way, if you guys were wondering, Jess does kind of have an accent but it is not a full Australian accent because she originated from America, so it's kind of like an American and Australian accent layered on top of each other.

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