Chapter 1

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"Gerard fucking Way get your emo ass up!" The aforementioned boy opens his eyes to see his 16 year old brother looming above him, a cup of coffee in his hands. Gerard quickly snatches the coffee and sits up, not bothering to ask whether it was his.

"I'm not emo." Gerard grumbles, watching his brother huff, his bangs rising and falling with the gust of air. The older of the two rolls his eyes, downing the rest of his coffee and lying back down. "Go away Mikey."

"Gerard you are 18 fucking years old don't make your younger brother drag your ass out of bed for the first day of our new fucking school. You have ten minutes." Mikey storms out of the room, leaving Gerard. The elder of the two just rolls his eyes, checking the clock next to his bed. Although the basement doesn't provide much light, it's Gerard's favorite part about it being his room. 6 o'clock on the dot. God damn it Mikey, I only need five minutes to get ready, not 30. Gerard sighs and decides to get up, not wanting his brother to have an aneurysm on their first day at a new school. He quickly rummages through his room, trying to find anything that's even remotely clean. He swiftly throws on a black shirt with a graphic that is so worn out its unreadable and pitch black jeans. He looks in a mirror to assess his hair, deciding it's too greasy to care about. I should probably shower. He groans and takes off the clothes he just put on, jumping in to the shower and cleaning himself and drying off in record time. Gerard appears in the kitchen just 15 minutes after he got out of bed, throwing his black bag on the counter and locking eyes with his very unamused brother.

"You should've taken a shower last night if you were gonna be this slow about it." Mikey says, rolling his eyes. Gerard glares at him and sneaks past their mother, grabbing a thermos and filling it to the brim with black coffee. Their mother scoffs.

"Come on boys, we've been here four days. You can stop bickering for at least 24 hours." she says fondly. Mikey and Gerard's bickering doesn't really affect her, she loves knowing that they care about each other, she just likes to give them a hard time. Mikey gasps in shock.

"Mother! You know I will be fired if I miss my quota, even for one day!" the youngest of the Ways sighs dramatically, placing the back of his hand on his forehead. He keeps the position for five seconds before he and Gerard burst out laughing. Ms. Way rolls her eyes, ignoring them. Just because she finds it sweet doesn't mean it doesn't annoy her from time to time.

Ten minutes later the boys are being pushed out of the house by their mother, insisting that if they don't start on their way to school they'll be late. She slams the door, only to open it again and throw their bags on to the porch. The brothers share a look, both knowing that she's just had enough of their teasing for the morning. She'll let them back in eventually. The boys both grab their respective bags, Gerard's wet-and-slightly-less-greasy hair drying from the autumn breeze. They trudge toward Gerard's beat up trans am, clearly dreading the day. The sun was just rising behind the clouds, and it seemed like it was going to storm. They both sit in the car for a minute, the keys not even in the ignition, before Gerard speaks up. "What are you in the mood for?" he asks. "Misfits? Joy Division? The Cure? Green Day?"

"This is so unlike me, but I'm in the mood for the Misfits right now." Gerard nods at the response, starting the car and ejecting the Green Day CD, replacing it with American Psycho. Abominable Dr. Phibes blasts immediately, making Mikey jump. The younger of the two quickly skips through songs before finding the one he wanted: Crimson Ghost. Gerard backs out of the driveway, both of them enjoy each others company and the music before they had to part ways for school. While at a stoplight, Gerard rolls down both their windows, turning up the volume and sharing a look with Mikey. The radio wasn't playing Crimson Ghost anymore, but was now playing Mars Attacks. The first Misfits song they listened to together. The two smiled as the light turned green, Gerard speeding through the intersection, hoping to bother at least one person during the drive. As they approach the school, Mikey turns down the music. "Hey, Gerard." He says, a serious tone in his voice. Gerard hums to show he's listening. "So, you know that if anyone gives you shit, I'm gonna kick their ass-" Gerard opens his mouth to respond, but Mikey holds up his hand, halting the older boy. He pulls into the school parking lot as Mikey finishes his thought. "But seriously, try this time. It's only September, so you have time. If I graduate before you do I will kick your ass."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2018 ⏰

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