Chapter 3: Maiden

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Driek's POV

"Are you the maiden?" I asked the crazy girl. "Ohh me? Why? I am a maiden! Hahahaha!" She said then fell asleep.

Hmmm. I carried her on my back then let her sat on a chair. I looked at her. Her sparkling eyes earlier that came to have closed right now, her lips that are as red as rose. Wait, what? Why am I even looking her.

"Driek! You flirty bastard?!" High Priest suddenly appeared. "High Priest!! This girl.. She's the maiden!!" I said to High Priest. "Ohhhh, you're so innocent Driek, she can't possibly be the-" he stopped when he saw the girl.

Hmmm. Is he, inlove or what?

"It... Is... True.." he said while slowly walking towards the girl. He then cutted her index finger, which made him more shock when he saw water.

"Un-Unbelievable.. The legend.. Was true.." he murmured which I still heard. "What legend?" I asked. "Well, that doesn't matter now." High Priest said.

High Priest stood up and took my hand and we disappeared, but I took a glance at him, I saw him looking at the girl. We then arrived in a weird but cozy place.

"We're in a hotel, this is the place we stay for tonight." High Priest said, as he laid down the bed. I am still not yet used in this world, it's all weird, dirty, and polluted, but sometimes it is good, like this hot- hot- hotel. It's a comfy place, cause the bed is very soft, like once you lay down, you immediately fall asleep.

"High Priest??" I said. But I received no response, I looked at him, and he was sleeping. And I do get that, he's tired from all the work, here and in the Water Empire. He deserves a rest. I started to take off my shoes, it was really uncomfortable, my foot is being compressed, but now that it's gone, it's comfortable. And then, I finally laid down the comfy bed. I started to close my eyes slowly. Then I fell asleep.

I will kill your mother!! Hahahahahahha!!!!! You shall taste the despair of what you have caused me. Hahahahahaha!

"Wake up, Driek!!" I started to hear High Priest's voice slowly, then I woke up. Hmmm... Not bad. This bed is comfy, but, It gives me nightmares. I yawned and saw High Priest standing beside the bed where I slept.

"Driek, we're here for the maiden. So please.. Find her now, I'll go and buy some groceries." High Priest said and disappeared out of my sight. Where will he go? Grosseries? What? Why is human language so confusing. Well maybe I gotta learn it.

I went downstairs and gave the key to a woman. But before that, I asked her. "Where can I learn your language?" I asked. Her face tells that she was confused.

"Probably at the library." She answered. I asked her again "Where is the library?" I asked.

"It's in the basement, lower down here" she answered. Hmmm.. There's a floor lower here? Wow... I quickly went to a stair that is going down and I saw one. I went to the 'basement' and saw a wide variety of books, wow... This is incredible.

I went to get books and I sat on a table. I got 18 books, specifically all about Korean Language and English Language. I started to read the first page of my first chosen book. Hmmm... I never thought that Human Language is quite simple, but sometimes complex. I flipped to the next page and next page until the last page, I then read the other books which I chose and I seriously learned a lot from it.

It was night time, I knew it because there's a window. I finally read the last page of my last chosen book and I stood up and went outside, but someone blocked my way.

"Excuse me sir, please put your books to where they belong." A guy said. I don't want to make any trouble so I went back to my seat and put all of the books, which I read, back to their old places. Then I went outside. Upstairs rather. I took back the keys that I gave to a woman, then I went to our room. I saw High Priest inside. And I remember, he can teleport. But wait.. When did he start teleporting? I remember back then in Water Empire, he can't teleport. He just walks by foot. Hmmm..

"Where have you been?" High Priest said while sitting down the comfy bed. "To the library" I then answered. I sat down the comfy bed. I started to think of that maiden. I think it was her. Her blood is water and High Priest was shocked to see that woman. Hmmm.. I think I'll need to find her tomorrow.. I laid down the comfy bed and started to feel tired, so I closed my eyes and slept.

Klien.. Die.. Die! Die!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!!!

I immediately woke up from another bad dream. Why do these dreams keep on haunting me? I'm tired of it. Well, I need to find that woman.

I stood up and searched for High Priest, but he was nowhere to be found. So I just took my bath and wore my suit and went out the hotel.

Time to find the maiden. Where can she be? If only my powers were here, I could see from her point of view.

I started to walk and searched for that woman. I looked at the faces of the women I found. I then remembered the place we met.

I went to the place where we met and perhaps hope that she was there. I walked there by foot and searched the whole place, hoping she was there. But she wasn't there.

I took a glance to the right, left, back and when I faced front again, I saw a familiar hair. It was the woman's hair. I walked towards her slowly and tapped her back.

"What?" She said. I knew it! It was her, once again I saw those two jewel like blue eyes, like ours, and those red lips.

"Are you the maiden?" I said. When I said that she gave me the What-Do-You-Mean look.

"I mean, you're blood. It's not red right?" I said and she gasped, as if it's a secret discovered by me.

"W-What do y-you want?" She stuttered. I looked at her eyes lovingly. Then I saw her blush, do women really blush when men look at them with love? Then that time she shaked her head as if she was escaping from imagination and returning from reality.

"I want you." I said. She then blushed really hard, this woman, she easily blushes. She then faced me and reached for me then stared at me with an agitated face.

"Look here mister, I know I'm pretty, cute, kind, and everything. But I don't fall for handsome, tall and RECKLESS guys. Sorry but I do not intend to dat-" I cutted her off with a kiss. I don't know but my sudden reflex made me do that. I kissed her while staring at her eyes. The crowd was shouting and congratulating us. I don't know why.

I then released her from kissing and I saw her tomato face again. But this time, it's a fresher tomato.

"I know you're the maiden. So please.. Come with me." I whispered in her ear. Then she.

Cliffhangers again. Well, please vote and comment *winkeu*.

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