Chapter 10: Reunion

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Vermilia's POV

I saw two graves side by side. My father's and-

"M-Mom?!" I shouted. And.. Cried. I never knew that.. My mom died.. I failed as a daughter and as a child..

"Vermilia.. I-I'm so so sorry.. My d-daughter.." I heared my mom's voice, again. And I saw.. My mom and dad.. Near the grave in front of me..

"M-Mom!! D-Dad!! I knew you weren't dead!!" I shouted and stood up, going towards them. When I hugged them, I fell down the ground. What? Why did I go through them?

"We're... Dead, Vermilia.. We're just spirits.." I heared my father said. When I heared those words, tears came out of my eyes. B-But.. H-How did mom died? No.. I-Impossible! I-I- D- M-Mom..

"N-No.. I-.. I have so.. Many things to say.." I said while sobbing. Why.. Is the world so cruel?!

Shhhh.. Vermilia.. Don't say that.. The world is protecting you..

I heared my mother's calm and caring voice.

"M-Mom.." I said.. I really missed them.. I want to embrace them.. But why can't I? I just.. I just wanna be with them..

"It's okay Vermilia.. We were given a chance to see you and to finish my duty.." Father said. Duty? What kind of duty? Does this have something to do with the Water Kingdom? Or Gods' World?

"High Priest. I'm honored again to meet you. Driek.. You've grown into a fine man. And emperor." Father said. But.. How did he know these two? Is he.. The previous Water Emperor?

"I'm not.. I'm just a servant before serving Droy.." Father said.

"My father? Was he.. A great emperor?" Driek asked my father.

"Of course. He was one of the best emperors in the World Of Gods. He beared the 4 elements." Father said. What? Then.. He was a High Priest before? Or was he just powerful? Ohh wait. High Priest is here so.. Was he High Priest's son?

"4 elements? Wait.. He was High Priest's son?" Driek asked.

"Yes. I trained him to use the 4 elements." High Priest said. "You three should spend time first. Before we do that." High Priest continued.

Before I could speak, my father touched my mother's forehead and my forehead, after that. The three of us arrived at a place where there were ony flowers. There were no buildings. No pollution. All I could see was the birds, trees, flowers, and the sun. This is paradise.

"Vermilia.." I heard my mom murmur, then after that she cried and hugged me. Wait.. They can embrace me? But I thought they can't..

"This place is the only place where spirits can embrace humans. The Spirit's Paradise. Also a place where all spirits go to heaven and finally rest in peace.." My father explained. After a few minuted. Silence visited us. But I like it. Just sitting here with my family hugging me and watching it scenery. This is the best feeling ever..

"Vermilia.. How do I start this.. I-"

"I'm so sorry, Mom.. For being a disrespectful daughter and for killing you dad.. I'm so so so sorry.." I cutted my mother's sentence.

"No no.. I should be sorry.. For hurting you like that.. That was no work of a mother.. I'm sorry.." My mother said with a sad expression. I hugged her and also pulled my father for him to join us.

"Being with you guys is the best thing that the world can give me.." I said.

"Ria.. Do you remember when Vermilia was still 5 years old? She gave us this." Father said then showed his wrist. Mom also showed her wrist and nodded. What? That's the bracelet I bought for them! They still have it? That was so long ago! My parents are really the best!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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