How to Kill a Mockingjay

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Chapter 1:


I wake up, rolling over and find an empty, cold space where Peeta normily lies. I stand and repeat a ritual that I have continued for many years now.

My name is Katniss Mellark.

I am 23. I am married to Peeta Mellark.

Peeta bursts in the room with a platter full of eggs, bacon, and toast. Topped off with a fresh-cut primrose. I watch him as he carefully slides in next to me. "Goodmorning beautiful, how'd ya sleep?" he asks. "Good." I reply. "Have you seen the paper?" "Not yet." He quickly grabs it off the end table and reads off the headline. "Rebelion in districts one and three, they bombed district two." "GALE'S IN DISTRICT TWO!" I scream. "I know, I've arraged us two tickets by train to district two. Hopefully he, his family, will be alright." He wraps his strong, warm arms around me. "You'd better hurry, our train leaves in an hour." He adds, then he leaves.

Chapter 2:


As i try to pack our bags, a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Thanks for packing my bags," she says. "You're welcome," I say. "You're forgetting something." "What," I ask. She walks over to the dresser, opens the top drawer, and grabs a pearl neacklace.

The door shuts behind me, and we begin to walk to the train station. "I'm scared," she says. "Everything will be fine," I reply. "I know." We walk inside the train station, not much has changed in the last 6 years. I hand the woman at the turnstyle our tickets, and she lets us through. We board the train. We find our seats, and I put our bags in the compartment above our head. Katniss leans over and puts her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her, and a few minuites later i hear her cute little half snore.

Chapter 3:


Peeta shakes me awake. "We have to get off," he says. "I think im going to be sick," I say. I stumble off the train and into the station bathroom where I proceed to loose my wonderful breakfast. I walk back out to him. "We may need to go to the doctor, you don't look good," Peeta says as I exit the bathroom. "Well thanks! Im fine, lets go find gale." I reply.

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