Chapter Sixteen

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Where did we go, I wonder. When our words tore, and our world fell apart.

I miss you.

It's like some form of torture, to be seeing you all the time, but never able to speak. You said so many things, and so did I. Do you regret what you did?

I do, I promise. I regret everything I have ever done. It hurt him, you, me. All gone now. All taken apart and turned into something else.

What happened to all of us, to make us like this? Was it us, or them?

But no matter. If it's any consolation... I've found a way to help your friend. Give him a little insight.


Silence again, then not so much. A gentle hand tugging at his and the shadow of a smile- some odd form of unconsciousness where he could still comprehend. Somehow, still in his bed... but not.

All of the animatronics were gathered around each other, whispering. It looked like the Pizzeria, but... twisted. Inverted. Some of the animatronics had a hazy aura around them, the Toys looking the same. The Puppet was sitting on her box, almond-shadowed eyes on her mask darting around. One, six, ten, eleven beings. She rose silently, addressing him and him only.

"You're here, then." A voice coming from him that was not his own, female, answered.

"Of course. It is a meeting, is it not?" While it was startling to hear someone else's words come out of his own lips, Jeremy wasn't scared, strangely. Her voice was almost soothing, like she was only here to help everyone involved. The tone was almost polite when she spoke to the Puppet, but nevertheless challenging.

"I thought you were still ignoring me."

"You're right- except that you were the one doing the ignoring in the first place. I'm merely passing on a message." The others shifted, and the Puppet shook her head.

"I lack the patience to keep going on. Are you attending or not." The voice that was not his laughed humorlessly.

"Yes, yes. Goodness, Mari. So cut and dry." The Puppet ignored Jeremy's new compatriot, turning to everyone else. The air seemed to thicken- whatever they had gathered for was a somber event, Jeremy was sure. "Am I correct in assuming we are here about the... incident?" He was surprised to find that it was a new animatronic, a yellow one, who answered.

"What happened here was... indecent, I will admit. But no one is really sure of his motives." The animatronic looked a lot like the old Fredbear models. He was certainly an old one- there were patches that had rubbed off of his fur to show the wiring underneath. But if he'd been given a rub-down to remove the layer of dirt caked onto his fur, Jeremy knew this animatronic would be soft, plush. His eye sockets only showed the tiniest of pinpricks, but there was definitely an intelligent air to this bear. "I do not think we should jump to conclusions."

"I agree with Preacher," Jeremy found this other self answering, prompting a hiss from Bonnie- who unfortunately was lacking in the facial department.

"Why do you continue to defend him," the Puppet sighed. Jeremy had a feeling that these two had gone over this sort of topic before.

"Devil's advocate," Balloon-Boy piped up helpfully. Everyone looked at the tiny animatronic, who was still grinning stupidly. "What?"

"... Perhaps what B-B means," Mangle rasped, swaying from their perch on the ceiling lamp, "i-is that we should look over all of o-o-our options in particular care... we wouldn't wa-ant anyone else getting hurt."

"I'm not so sure," Foxy growled. "If the boss'd let me, I'd love the privilege of taking a chunk out of that lad me-self..." There was a wicked gleam in both his aureolin peeper and the hook that Jeremy wasn't entirely convinced was fake. He shot a glare at Jeremy. "Ah, but we all know that you love them so..."

"My personal interests have nothing to do with this," the voice said.

"We are getting nowhere," said the Puppet. Her voice was the exact opposite of the one that was in Jeremy- she was harsh, and commanded respect. Jeremy had a feeling that the Puppet was in charge purely because of the amount of fear she held above the others. "Someone must pay for this crime."

"I believe..." This was the first time that Toy Freddy had spoken in this conversation, and everyone's attention whipped to his words. "I believe, my ill-mannered associates, is that we are missing the big picture here. We cannot stand around idly, reminiscing about what happened, waiting for He That Walks In Purple to simply show up once again. All of you are simply complaining about what took place today- but none of us did anything to prevent it."

"What is it that you are suggesting," the Puppet snarled, in a 'Get on with it' sort of way." Toy Freddy, had his facial expressions been able to change, would probably be smirking right about now.

"You speak of no mercy. Crack down, then. Let ourselves be more suspicious of all that enter in this place. Let us provide a greater challenge for those that guard the night. If-" they were all leaning into his words, drinking in all that he had to say. This was their rallying point- and for one moment, Freddy Fazbear was truly the one holding the reins. "- we are to be monsters... Let us go all out."

"You will accept the responsibility for your actions? You will go so far that you face risk of becoming scrapped?"

They only had to consider the implications for a moment.

"Yes," they said. The yellow bear was silent, and Balloon Boy simply watched.

"Are you truly willing to risk yourselves?" The voice asked softly. Hesitantly.

"Yes," they said again.

"... Then it is done," she murmured.


... Then it is done.


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