Chapter Seventeen

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Wednesday, 21:47

"Now, let's see... 'To insert the tape, load it into the track and rewind.' That doesn't seem so hard..." Fumbling, and a jolt of small electrical charge. "Well, shoot."


Wednesday, 22:15

"Okay. Nothing seems to be broken too much anymore."


"What do you mean, 'error'?!"


"I hate you."


Wednesday, 22:23

"'Cross the red wire with the green wire'." Shuffling. "THERE'S LIKE TEN DIFFERENT COLORS OF GREEN IN HERE! Chartreuse, olive, pear... Give me some direction, you bloody instruction manual."


"Shut up."


"Alright, that was just rude."


Wednesday, 23:01

"You know, this is why I hate you infernal machines so much. Not even because I could face death-by-animatronic, oh no. This hardware stuff is a messy business. I could give up, maybe. But where is the pleasure in that, I ask you?"


"Don't you dare, I have had quite enough from you today, sound device."


Author's Note: Okay, okay, maybe I'm still stalling... but this is here now and I love it.

(Let me explain- so basically I have this really-dumb-headcanon where even though Michael is a mechanic he has a lot of trouble with things that aren't animatronics... so he was trying to reprogram the sound system and it kind of just cannibalized itself...)

Please just view this as a sort of joke-fic *nervous laughter* 

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