Chapter 1 : sweet nothings

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Beams  POV
      It's  N'yo' s birthday today. Kit's parents went to China for a wedding so he let Pha plan a surprise birthday for nong at his place.
     I was in charge of the food so I arranged the booze, snacks and cake on the table, along with a knife.       N'Ming was hanging the decorations while Kit was threatening him that he'll let go of the ladder if he won't hurry up. 'Those two!!' I shook my head. I would like to know when they'll behave like a normal couple....
     I placed a huge pitcher of pink  milk near the cake table. I argued with that stupid Pha saying that no one will drink it if there is booze. But he asked me if I was Nong Yo.
    You know, times like this..... yes i am happy for both of my besties....but I feel empty sometimes.... it's like sometimes they forget me and I just tag along......
  I was lost in my misery when I hear the door bell ring. Must be Pha....
I opened the door to find a tall figure, dressed in a black v-neck tee with half dried hair. He smelled of an intense manly but light perfume and stood there smilling looking chilled as always... I have just been alcohol shopping with him this morning but he looked different.... different than I had seen him before. I was standing blocking the door lost in these wierd voices in my head with my mouth open...when he said,
" ao! ai'beam! Can I come in? "
  I was  brought back to reality.       "Sorry...uh.. ai....Forth.. I thought it was Pha. Come in" I quickly replied. I don't think he figured anything out. And besides I was just admiring him nothing more.............                  perfectly normal.......

    By now Pha has probably told N'yo that he has to spend the night baby sitting at his aunty's house and asked him to tag along. I was watching tv still immerse in the seductive perfume that surrounded the room when Kit sprung up saying Pha is on the way up. I got up and rushed to  light up the cake in a hurry  searching for the matchbox in my pants....when Forth' s arm encircled me .. "come I'll do it ,"  he said. I quickly slid out if his reach to turn off the lights.

         "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU....."we sang as Nong and Pha entered. Wayo's bright glittering smile  illuminated his faced and he threw his arms around Pha and burried his face in shyness...

          We were all drunk, the couple's were dancing to a slow song. Forth was having snacks and making fun of them. While he was at it  our eyes met a few times at first I looked away. But then I just played along it's not like I'm doing anything wrong or flirting !?!?! So why should I look away.  He suddenly smiled once with his sexy eyes and I swear I felt a cold warm sensation in my body. Maybe it's the alcohol I kept telling myself...

I tried to make Pha clean the dishes but as I went to call for him the door was locked. I bet he is in it with Nong. I saw him buying some candles and flower pettals the other day. I opened the other door  to see Kit sleeping hugging a pillow. Crap! I  just remembered Ming saying that Kit locked him out while he came and slept down on the sofa besides us earlier. And suddenly all was left to me ... as usual...
     I went down to the kitchen to see Forth  wearing an apron and doing the dishes. I don't know... But I might have been a few minutes into leaning on the entrance while staring at him with a huge mushy/drunk smile on my face staring at how hot he looked while focusing. Even if it was focusing on the dishes.... Forth can always.. Wait! What the hell is that loud banging noise coming from upstairs??? Damn that Pha!! He always has to announce it out loud... whatever he does. I heard a cute laugh erupting from forth as he looked up and looked back at me and went back to cleaning while shaking his head.
I helped Forth finish cleaning and asked him to take a break. I was not walking straight but I needed to do this.
        When I went out to the backyard. Forth was staring at the sky laying on the lounger while smoking a cigarette. "Ai forth !!! This guy can even look manly and handsome even if he was  just  wearing a skirt!" I thought as walked up to him and I sat by him.
     He glanced at me and went back on to what he was doing before . He was calm and composed. I on the other hand was a nervous wreck even though I thought I was cool from all the booze I had drunk that night. I didn't know what to say... But I wanted to stir up a conversation  with him... I just wanted to get close to him...
" How's  you girlfriend?", I blurted out. It occurred to me that I really needed training on flirting for the first time in my life. I  even admitted  it to myself. When it was with girls, words just flowed out. It was like flirting was a  talent I had since birth But with Forth it was like something was stuck in my throat.... And it was swallowing me up ..

"Which one ?" Forth raised an eyebrow.
Damn him he has more than one???alai wa? "Nong Yo's  classmate" I said in a low tone.

"Ah.... she is making up stories. I clearly said no. I might be over Yo but that doesn't mean I'll go and throw myself at anyone!!!!" He said in a calm but annoyed tone.  I let Forth' s words sink in and I felt like I was floating way way above the clouds.
       I was smiling staring at him when mid way through conversation he said. "Ai beam how come you are single? "  " I don't know. I guess I don't have anytime to meet anyone." I said while biting my lips seductively. Praying it will have some effect on him. But highly doubting it.
  "But how come??? your adorable and nice ...." went on Forth but at that moment I just heard two words. ADORABLE and NICE. I was already lost in Forth' s eyes while those two words repeated in my head.... all i could imagine was kissing those well shaped lips.
      Suddenly Forth drew near pausing and giving me a flirty smile  and then reaching behind my back to get his drink. I stood under him my heart racing and my whole body shaking. Sh$#  what is happening to me. His face brushed mine as he retreated. I badly wanted to get away and at the same time wanted to stay like this forever  but I was totally unprepared ... He must be definelty knowing by now.... s#@$.... 
"You have something here" Forth pointed out and leaned in. He wiped the cake icing from his fingers and licked it like it was totally normal to do so. I must have looked like an idiot talking to him with it  on my face all this while, but I looked even more idiotic now with my mouth wide open thinking of what I should do next and being awed at the same time. But it was now or never " Forth" I said in a  forced  but soft voice and reached out to grab the back of his face and pressed my lips against his. His mouth tasted of icing while I could smell alcohol and cigarette smoke all around. I used to hate it!! the smell of drunks!!!Mainly because of Pha. But at this moment it was the most sexiest thing I have ever come across. It was out of this earth.... I was kneeling on top of the lounger  between his legs while one of his  hands  were on my waist and hand stroking my face while totally consumed by him... we made out for a minute or two. I don't know I lost track of time...Later we   went back to talking his hand was holding my and he was caressing it in soft strokes.He smiled a few times at me not really saying anything but juat gazing into my eyes.I felt so happy. I haven't felt like this in ages.... The warm lights from the decors shining  on him and his eyes glistening made him look almost like an angel... Forth  let out a yawn.. So cute.  "Shall we head up I'm sleepy?" Forth said in a sleepy voice. "Khrap!" I said but I was dispointed in having to end it. We went up and I got down a duvet from Kit' s room. When I shreeked, "ai forth!!tam arai?". Forth was carrying Kit and was heading out of the door the door. I dropped the duvet and followed him. Ai Kit was holding him tightly around his neck and making kissing noises  in the air. He dropped Kit on top of Ming and who then  then snuggled with ming. They didn't seem to feel anything lol I chuckled  and shook my head
   "You didn't think I was going to let you sleep on the ground did you? " Forth made a cute face from down. He climbed up and put his hand around my waist and led me to the room. I couldn't take it anymore... all these emotions.... these feelings that I thought were not there in me anymore.... were all over my body and mind and heart...  When I was with girls most of it was exaggeration. But at this moment I felt it within. I was  very drunk but I could still tell the difference. As forth closed the door  behind me he drew close. He stooped low and kissed me while caressing my face. He went  in deep and  I felt something hard on him brushing against me.  He was drunk but still smooth as ever. This guys is smooth in every damn thing he does!!!He pushed me to the bed firmly but gently. As I layed there anticipating for more I feel the bed begin to spin........

Hey guys hope you liked the first chapter.there is a bonus for the first chapter  coming up soon.Please leave in comments and what you think of the story 😊thanks!😚


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