Chapter 2 : Butterflies and Circles

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Forth was trying to focus on the team project. Arthit was always so focused and loved working,so it was alright for him to zone out a bit. It has been 3 days since that fateful yet bitter incident. He tried to forget it...he really did... but those lips and eyes he couldn't...
Forth cursed himself.Usually when approaching girls he had never dealt with one-sided affairs. Except for Wayo and Beam. Wayo was more of a infatutuation. He just found him cute. But Beam .....Beam was more than cute.... Beam... he couldn't figure it out what was about him that drew him to Beam.
"Ao where is Forth?" Arthit looked up as he paused assembling the model.
"That Forth!!He seems to be in another world recently, even in class." said Nit, "Do you think it's a family problem? I don't think he has any girlfriend problems. He just stares into space thinking hard about something!" commented Not.They ignored him and went back to work.

"Does she even know she is putting half the class to sleep?" Pha mumbled as he was trying to keep himself straight. Suddenly Pha sensed someone near the door. He turned his head but there was no one. Was he seeing ghosts??? Well it was definitely much more interesting than seeing her teach.

It was lunch time. Pha and Kit noticed something in Beam. He was playful and lame as usual. But he seemed extra lame for some reason. He made dry jokes and was laughing at his own jokes. Pha hadn't told Kit what has happened yet for the fear of Beam being shy but was it that causing Beam to be like this???
Suddenly a cold wet kiss landed on Pha. There was Yo with his pink milk. "What are you thinking about P? missed me?" he asked.
The 5 if us settled into lunch. I went with Beam to grab a drink from the canteen. On my way I caught a sight of someone I haven't seen for 3 days since that night. I have always wanted to tease him about it but now was the time, it would emabarass Beam.... He went over to his table leading Beam. As Beam saw where they were heading he turned back and made a run for it. Pha shook his head in disbelief , laughing. Forth was looking at his sanwhich like it was the first time he has seen something so extraordinary like that..
"Ai Forth !!what brings you all the way here ? "Pha asked with a smirk. "Why ?? Can't I come here ?? I'm visiting a friend" Forth said coldly.
" Then where is she?" Pha teased. "It's a he and he cancelled on me" Forth replied sarcastically. " Then come have lunch with us," Pha invited him. Pha felt like doing merit today , he was in a good mood because he will be going on a field trip the medicine faculty has organized with his sweetheart. Pha was amazed at how quick Forth has gotten up with his lunch in his hand. "This f $^&=% still played it cool even though it's obvious !!" he thought to himself.
"Ah you can sit next to Wayo!" said Pha. Wayo looked up at Pha as if he had gone mad..usually he gets all possesive when Forth is arround." Has he lost interest??? This soon??," Wayo began to get worried.
As for Pha he was enjoying this. Beam and Forth were seated right in front of each other but they didn't even look at the other. Beam was looking down at his chicken rice without uttering a single word. It's like the radio has switched off by itself. Forth was hard at it forcing a conversation with Kit, sneaking a few glances at Beam. Abruptly Beam left. Pha could see him shaking on his way like a frightened chicken.He even dropped his wallet.Pha looked at Forth.Forth's disappointment showed even though he was good at having a poker face.

Back in his class so many things kept on racing inside Forth's head. "Was Beam still mad at him? Did he hate him?? He wanted to say many things to Beam.............That sleeping with him was not what he wanted on their first night... And that he thought Beam was interested in him as well. And also for the fact that he didn't care anymore who started it first that he was interested in Beam and wanted to spend time with him... That if beam didn't accept his feelings he would respect the decision " But he coudn't.Beam didn't even want to be near him.

The next day
It was three more days to the trip he had much anticipated. Pha couldn't hide his excitement he checked if his shirt was tucked in and entered the class. He saw something wierd near the window.
Two big pairs of protruding eyes peeking in from outside near the cupboard. Who the he'll is that??? Pha tried to figure the person out he had his hair up but he couldn't see the lower half of the face. Yet, he looked familiar.Suddenly the eyes looked at Pha in horror and they dissapeared.Pha was curious but he couldn't find any excuse to sneak out again.In angst he just sat down.

"Ouch!" Forth fell. He had tripped on rope while he ran. S$&$!! He cursed himself.Why was he this desperate??? He looked around to see if anyone saw him and quickly picked himself up. Luckily all students were in their classes so no one saw him. "That f♡<《!~& Pha had to disturb him!!! He had been stalking Beam. Beam had been so adorable in class. Yawning and rubbing his eyes.... screw that ai Pha!!! ". He was amazed at his stalking skills though. Never in his life had he needed to stalk someone..... not even Yo. In Yo' s case he just appeared where ever Forth was ,which made it easy to talk to him. But Beam was so difficult.

"Ai Pha !!! Do you think something is wrong with Beam? " Kit pointed out at Beam who was observing a twig, dissecting it bit by bit while pouting". "Ai Kit I'll tell you come here, " Pha said. Kit moved in closer. " Ah never mind ai Kitty!!!you won't be able to be secretive about it anyway. It'll show right through you !!" Pha joked. Kit made a disappointed face.
"Ah ah I'll just tell you.... this keeps on eating me up inside. Try your best to pretend like you don't know it! na?" to which Kit nodded and leaned in.
"Ai Beam and Ai Pha slept together that night at the party in your f#&#^#^ room !!!"

Meanwhile Beam....
"This twig was just like Forth!! tall and bland!!!No life at all!" Beam said to himself As he went on peeling the twig. " Is Forth so disgusted with me?? I haven't seen him around except at lunch, yesterday. Usually he used to come and see N'yo but it's like he is avoiding because of that incident. " He felt emptiness and pain. " He didn't even look at me! It was like I didn't even exist. He spoke to everyone except me. But .... my heartbeat was too much to handle. If I had stayed there I would have died of embarrassment. I hope he didn't think I walked away because of him.I wamted to show him i'm not at all affected.In 3 days I'll be far away from him" He sighed.
He couldn't accept the fact that this will be the first time he'll be staying away from Forth after he fell for him. Even though he didn't see him much.He knew he was there. Without being aware Beam was near the basketball court. He was behind a tree peeking at Forth who was now shirtless playing basketball. Beam felt estatic as he ran his eyes down Forth's well toned and tanned body. He was reminiscing that night....All his sadness has just melted away
"Ai Beam what on earth are you spying on?? " Beam jerked and turned back only to find his lips on kits.
"Arai wa?"Kit spat out making puking noises while Pha was rolling on the ground laughing.
"Ai Kit!!My first k...." Beam paused with his face turned red as he remembered
..... Forth was that person...... The person who stole his first kiss.

Hey guys!!😊 Thank you so much for the reads and the votes!!!😚
This chapter wasn't very awesome but hope you liked it nevertheless. Please stay tunned for the next one... hopefully it will be much more exciting..😉😉

That night: A Forth and Beam storyWhere stories live. Discover now