Going the distance

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Beam's POV

I stretched out loud and suddenly froze in the middle. S $$@! I just remembered that I was sleeping with Forth. It'll be really embarrassing if he heard me. I turned to my left but no one was there. Oh Did he leave?

Wait!!Is that the sound of the shower??? I went near the bathroom door and turned the knob slightly.

" Alai wa?" Pha yelled "don't you have any manners! Imagine if we were having a private moment!". Nong Yo and Pha were brushing their teeth. "Uh.....uhmmm....im sorry!!" I said hurriedly. "Wait...why do I have to be sorry. You two should have manners to lock the toilet. You should be considerate of other people living with you if you are doing stuff like that!!."

"Oho what's pissing you off so much??huh? Is it because Forth is not here?" Pha asked smirking. I didn't answer. " Ai Forth was on the bed awake when we came in at 10 am. We couldn't take it anymore it was burning hot outside so we came in thinking you must be awake. I guess he was shy.He said he'll leave and went out before I could say anything."

"Oh" I managed to say. This matter was getting on my nerves. One moment everything seemed good and the next moment we went back to being just people who barely know each other.I went and slept again hoping that sleep will fix my mood.

Suddenly I was shaken awake."P did you have a steamy night?" I opened my eyes to see Nong Yo on top of me with that wierd A$$ face he makes when he teases people. I tried to ignore him but he wouldn't let me be . So I sat up. " I don't know......He kissed me yesterday and then..... then he said he is falling....". "Ooooh "Yo cut me off hooting, raising his eyebrows up and down "go on P".
"And then I don't know.... He must have said it because he was drunk. That's what happens everytime. Even at your party, we would have almost slept together and made a mistake. Nong don't you think Ai Forth is very irresponsible ? He is playing with other people's feelings...Why can't he man up and be straighfoward with me like Pha did to you " I took a deap breath trying to control my emotions so I could hold back my tears.

"Oh P..... P'Pha was an #$$#@/£ too!!! He might have told you guys but it took along time for him to tell me" N'Yo claimed. "Ai Yo !! You..." Pha threw a pillow at Nong.

" Ai Beam to be honest....the night at Yo's birthday. In the morning I saw him looking at you sincerely ..... he also kissed you dude.. when you were fast asleep. I thought it was somewhat cute coming from someone like him " Pha said. My cheeks were begining redden. I looked down to avoid blushing. As much as it felt nice to hear it, it didn't make this complicated yes or no situation any easier.

"But Pha what about what he said about that night? he said he was too drunk and to forget it like it never happened! " I argued back. "Did you tell him how you felt about all of it?" Pha asked. I thought for a bit. "No" I shooked my head "I asked him wtf happened. I was just too shocked man. It was like waking up from a dream....I felt.."
"There you go P. I think you need to talk this out with Forth and clear it up no matter his answer might be.We don't like seeing you moody like this" Yo said, Pha nodding along with him.

It was lunch time when I finally gathered up the courage to ask Forth. I dressed up and put some good looking clothes, soaked up some perfume and opened the door. "Ao Kit !!" I greated him with a smile. He squeezed my shoulders. "Good luck na?" He nodded at me patting my shoulder " fighting dude!!!". Alai wa?? It's funny how news really travels from one person to the next, in just a few minutes. I nodded and headed out.

"Coming " I heard Forth's voice as I knocked on his door. The door opened..... Forth stood there with only a towel loosely wraped around his waist. I could feel my cheeks burning up. I gulped.This was not something I had anticipated in my plan.
" Uh..." I was struggling to speak. " Come in " he invited me. I quickly wriggled past him and sat down in the chair near the bed. My legs were too shaky. This is the first time I have seen Forth's body this way. More importantly this time I was dead sober. I looked up at him forcing my self to say it out but words wouldn't come out.
On the other hand I was praying that his loose towel won't end up on the ground. I swear I would run out of the room.

" What's up Beam? " Forth interuptted my thoughts. I looked up again. Forth was drying his hair . That flat stomach Omg!! He has the perfect skin colour.... I cannot do this......" Ai Pha asked if you'll join us for lunch outside? " I asked quickly after fishing for the smarter way to get out of this situation.
"Sure " Forth nodded. "Ok see you at 12.30 at note1. Ask for my name when you come in" I said and squeezed my way through him to get out! ASAP!

I was sitting at the restaurant. It was a really nice place. It was sort of seperated into booths so there was enough privacy. On top of that it had a cool, hip, tropical look to it.I have been here since 12 so I could calm my nerves before he came. I tried everything from meditation to praying to positive self talk. Very productive indeed. I felt confident...when....
"Nice place!" My heart fluttered as I heard his voice from behind. Forth smiled. I sprung up. "Hey have a seat" I pointed to the opposite chair. Forth was dressed in a cool v-neck white shirt that accentuated his well shaped arms. As he sat down a red patch on his neck caught my eye. "Oh s&&&!!! Did I do that?" I accidentally blurted out. Forth blushed and rubbed his neck. This is the first time I have seen him react this way.. He could not get anymore adorable. I was cool on the out side but I was melting to my toes within. "Shall we order something " Forth said changing the topic. Thank God he didn't ask me where the others were.
We were having a casual pleasant conversation. When the waiter served us food. "Beam where is Pha and them?"Forth asked as he served my plate. I almost choked on my drink. " Ugh they said they won't be able to make it "I nodded wiping my mouth.
"Forth " "Beam" We both said at the same time. "You go first" I said. Forth nodded and leaned closer. He seemed nervous... " uhhh... Beam I want to ask you something..... I don't know how you'll react to it...but... I hope you understand..." I started to get nervous and sweaty... I nodded and waited for him to go on. " Beam yesterday night.....I meant what I said.. And also that night at Yo' s party I did it because I wanted to. I wasn't really drunk. I don't know what you felt regarding what happened between us but I did all that because I like you. "
I was just nodding carelessly thinking he was just saying it was a mistake when I heard those three words..I.. like...you .. I looked up at Forth trying to process what he said.

" Beam I just like what I feel when I'm with you. And you have no idea the crazy things I do so I can catch a glimpse of you when I miss you. But all this time.... I was afraid to because I was afraid that you won't like me back the way I want you to.... But I can't help wondering .... having hope... I don't think I can take it anymore. I really hope you feel the same way. If not please don't hate me , I hope we can still be friends. "

It must have been more than a minute... "Say something Beam,"Forth was looking at me questionably while I kept staring at him in shock. I finally gained my senses.
"Hhh....how do you want me to reply to that? I asked. " Beam will you date me??" He asked reaching for my hand. Tears filled my eyes. I couldn't believe what was happening . It was just like a dream.I finally nodded smiling like an idiot.

I came back from the toilet after flushing out all my emotions... still looking red like a tomato. Forth smiled at me. Forth was really different, he was much more attentive and caring... not cold and emotionless like I have seen him before. " Do you want to try some of my cake?" I asked as I pushed the spoon near his mouth. He grabbed my hand and with a flirty smiled took a bite. "Beam We don't have anything in schedule today. Would you like to explore the area with me?" Forth asked.
" L...like a date you mean?" I asked for clarification. "Err. " Forth blushed again. I was starting to enjoy this. " I'll check my schedule" I tried reached inside my pockets to tease him. " I am free" I laughed.

NOTE:For my regular readers I am extremely sorry I couldn't write for the past few days. I was stressed at work so I couldn't get any ideas or inspiration to write.But you guys were always on my mind. However,thank you all so much for the votes and reads. I really appreciate it . Hope you like this chapter much more than the others 😉 and the next one that follows.

Story to be continued. Up next is the last chapter. However I'll still be writing independent one shots. So subscribe if you do like my stories. Love you all ❤ Suggestions regarding the couples for the stories are welcome 😁

That night: A Forth and Beam storyWhere stories live. Discover now