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He leaves you for Elena then is reminded of his mistake

"We're just friends, Y/N!"

"Friends don't look at each other like that!"

I threw the glass at his feet and stormed out of the boarding house.

Elena, Stefan, Damon, Caroline, Tyler and I were at the boarding house having some fun but when Elena and Damon began to get closer on the couch it sparked a lingering feeling of doubt in me that I had to get out.

"Y/N! What the hell was that?" Damon stood with his arms held out and a confused look on his face.

"Oh, don't play that shit, Damon. You know what 'the hell' that was!" I made fun of him with quotation marks and turned around to walk away.

"No." He sped in front of me and put both hands on my shoulders, "What happened in there?"

"You," I stuck a finger in his face, "still have feelings for Elena and it's clear to everyone. I have no idea what took me so long to see it, too."

"I- that's not even true." He said, furrowing his brows, "Why would you think that?"

I scoffed, "That is such bullshit! Everyone sees the way you look at each other and the way you talk like you never stopped dating! You guys sit all close and laugh...Damon. I- I don't trust you. Not anymore. Not how I used to at the beginning of this relationship."

"You seriously want to do this, Y/N?"

"No, I don't...of course, I don't but I have to. This isn't healthy, Damon. You want to be with her and you can be now."

"Okay...well- okay." He shrugged.


His face screwed up in confusion.

"Okay?! That's all you have to say? After all the times you've told me that you love me and can't live without me and now I break up with you and it's just 'okay?'"

"Well, Y/N, what do you want from me? I'm fine with us breaking up, I don't get what you're getting your panties in a twist for."

"Okay...don't worry about it." I threw my hands up and walked away, filling my pockets with my hands after swiping away stray tears.

It's been a couple of days without Damon and I was doing better than I thought I would. I was still a wreck but I was still standing strong; not out searching for him or reasons to feel sorry for myself.

I stood on top of the table in my living room and moved my body fluidly around, throwing my head back and forth to the music.

The bass thumping loudly and the words leaving my mouth as a I jumped off of the table and landed on the couch, now, dancing there.

When the fast paced song ended, I sat and laughed to myself, "Fuck Damon." I laughed to myself.

The song that played next was one that he had dedicated to me after our first month together.

I sighed and stood up to change the song, "Fuck Damon." I repeated, this time with a silent tear streaming from the corner of my eye to my chin and off onto the floor.

"Hey, just wanted to check on you!"

I opened the door to an awfully cheerful Caroline Forbes.

"Oh, come in." I opened the door wider and she wasted no time in coming in.

"I have movies and Bonnie's on the way with snacks!" Caroline shuffled around the room and spread movies across the table.

"Should we wait for Bonnie or pick one now?" She asked, it seemed like it was more to herself than me but she answered herself quickly, "Well, I mean we are here for you so you can pick, Y/N!"

I squinted over her shoulder at the movie and shrugged, "I guess we can just watch Netflix."

"I brought these movies for nothing?" She huffed.

"Yup." I jumped on the couch and patted the space next to me, "Just sit."

Damon POV

"She sure looks like she's having fun...why'd you bring me here, Stefan?"

"Are you happy with Elena, brother?"

"Of course I am." I answered, tiredly.

"You don't sound like you are."

I scoffed, "You both ask me every ten seconds if I made the right choice about who I want to be with and I did! I fucking did! I don't want anyone else but Elena...it's always Elena."

Stefan opened his mouth but I sped him against the wall of the house and covered his mouth.

Y/N's sweet voice flowed from the front of the house, "Bye, Caroline! I had fun!"

"Bye, Y/N! Love you girl."

"I love you, too." She laughed and I heard the front door shut.

I had missed those 'I love you's' and that laugh.

I looked at Stefan and away quickly, in fear that he would see right through me.

"Damon, it's because we know."

"Know what?" I snarled, "That I still love Y/N? That I'm still inlove with Y/N? That I- I can't function without her and that my mind is all fogged up when she's not around and- and even when she is! Even when she is, I still can't seem to do things the right way because she gets me all...nervous and scared. She scares me with all her kindness and innocence but it's also what attracts me like a moth to a flame or a bee to honey. I love Y/N!"

"Damon?" Y/N squeaked, walking around the corner of her house.

A rush of air signaled that Stefan had left and we were now alone.

"Was all of that," She motioned towards me, "true?"

"Of course it was," I stepped closer to her, watching her bottom lip tremble. I wasn't sure if it was because she was about to cry or if she was cold but either way, I wanted her in my arms.

"Don't touch me." She backed up and my heart cracked.

"Just don't." She held up her hand and fled into the house.

Another one w/ the optional part 2 that has them getting back together but if you don't want that then you can just end here! :)

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