Chapter Five

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Ashley: (Wakes up and screams) AHHHHHHHHH!

Scarlett and Nate: What-

Ashley: ...

Scarlett and Nate both run upstairs to where Ashley was screaming from

Matt and Monica left a note on Matt's door saying:

Dear Roomates,

Monica and I went to the movies.

We decided not to bring Ashley because

she was sleeping, and Monica did not want

to wake her up. We hope you understand!


Matt & Monica <3

Scarlett: Well.. maybe she just had a bad dream and woke up screaming?

Nate: Maybe..

Scarlett: (Knocks on Matt's door)


No answer

Scarlett: (knocks again)


No answer

Scarlett: Okay, I'm just going to open the door. She might be changing though, so you're not allowed to look!

Nate: Wait, why are you allowed to look and not me?!

Scarlett: I'm the girl here, duh.

Nate: .//. Forgot about that.

Scarlett: Wait.. Wouldn't she be like "Changingggg!" If she was changing? Scratch that, you can look too. I'm too afraid to open the door anyways.

Nate: I don't want to see anything!!!!

Scarlett: Come on.... I don't either!

Nate: Fine.. (opens door)

Scarlett: OH MY GOD

When Nate and Scarlett opened Matt's door, Ashley was in the room. But she wasn't breathong anymore. In fact, she was hanging from a noose, tied to the roof. Her face was pale, her hands were bloody, as if she had tried to stop herself from being choked by the noose, but she had obviously failed. Blood was slowly dripping from her neck, and her whole body was dangling. Below her, just out of reach of the expanding blood puddle was a note.

Scarlett: (picks up the note)

Dear Whoever,

Hi! I'm Ashley, and I'm 15! Yep, I'm 15.. that means 15 years of life! A life of lies.. I've hated my life as long as I've been alive! Ha! And when Monica started to bully people.. aka my only friends.. They didn't like me anymore. So when I went to say I was moving to cover my suicide up.. I knocked on her door. But unlike what I was expecting, her mom answered the door. At first I was confused, because Monica doesn't live with her mother, only her father, but her mother told me she was at some kid's house. Her mother didn't hear Monica correctly as she ran out the door, so she told me the kid's name was Max. I was just going to wait.. but I decided to confront Monica at your dorm. But they were having so much fun when I was in the room with them.. I didn't want to tell her I was moving.. So I just decided to get It over with. I didn't care anymore.. really.. But.. I started to think.. Monica didn't only bully my friends.. she bullied me as well. I didn't even notice.. how stupid, right?! :) I know.. anyways.. I guess if you're reading this I'm either dead, or threw this away in the trash because my suicide failed and you decided to read whatever's in the trash.. but.. I don't care either way. My parents didn't like me.. they used to abuse me.. and I guess I know why now.. Monica told me she over heard them talking when she was staying over at my house one night that the reason they hurt me and yell at me is because I was an accident. An accident! That's right ladies and gentlemen! Little 'ol shy Ashley was a mistake! But it's okay.. I liked me as little as they liked me.. But.. whatever.. I hope this doesn't hurt Monica too much.. but.. I didn't like anyone. The only person I liked.. was Sky. She's my little baby cousin. She's too cute. But it's too bad I won't be there to see her grow up.. whatever.. I should stop rambling and just get to dying now before anyone sees me writing this.. and tries to stop me..


Scarlett: ...... MAKIIIIII

Maki: (runs upstairs) what- oh.

*Nate, Scarlett and Maki take care of the body*

*With Hailow*

Hailow: Monica.. will get.. what she.. deserves..

*With everyone else*

Nate: Scar.. do you want to go get icecream?

Scarlett: Are you asking me out on a date, Nate?


Scarlett: Oh stop your yelling.. yes I would love to..!

Nate: Phew!

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