Chapter One

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"How was school today?" my aunt Hannah asked as we strolled through the trail on horseback

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"How was school today?" my aunt Hannah asked as we strolled through the trail on horseback.

"Good," I said, running my fingers through my horse's mane. "Boring, as usual."

"I get it," she nodded. "Don't worry, you're almost done. Only, what, three more months of junior year? Then you're almost free!"

"I guess," I shrugged. "I don't know. It would be more enjoyable with friends."

"Still having friend troubles?" She asked. "Don't worry, teenage girls are always hard to deal with."

I sent her a look and she just laughed. I loved Hannah. She was on the younger side, only thirty-four. I'd been living with her since she was twenty. Because she was younger, I found myself being able to relate to her more. Even if I had trouble making friends, I at least had Hannah.

"Hey, I'll race you home," I challenged, nudging my horse forward.

"No fair!" She shouted from behind me. "I'm riding a pleasure horse!"

I looked over my shoulder and sure enough, her buckskin horse was just loping along.

Needless to say, I got home first.


"Have you found a home for Calvin yet?" I asked as I put him in his stall. "He was great on that trail ride."

"I think I have one set up, they're coming tomorrow night," she said as she put Boomer, the buckskin in his stall. "They want a beginner safe eventer to do pony club with. I think he'll be perfect. Will you be around?"

"Of course," I nodded, shutting his door and locking it. "If he doesn't work out, Sammie might. He's a little smaller."

"I didn't even think of Sammie. You're a genius, Em," she said as she gave me a side hug. Suddenly, her phone started ringing. "I have to take this. Can you lunge Dakota, walk trot canter, for like, ten minutes? Someone's coming to look at him tonight."

"You got it," I confirmed. She hurried out of the barn and I headed to the next aisle, stopping at Dakota's stall, the little paint pony looking up from his hay. I pulled him out and brushed him really well, getting the mud stain off his back leg and brushing his mane and tail out. I then wrapped his legs and brought him to the round pen, where I got a little bit of energy out and fine tuned his cues.

After our little session, I brought him back inside and tacked him up in a dressage saddle. I trimmed his bridle path and put his bridle on. Just as I finished tightening the last strap, Hannah walked back in. "Is he all set?"

"Good to go," I said. "Are they here yet?"

"Just pulled in," she said. Just then, a girl a few years younger than me walked in wearing riding gear, her parents following.

"Hi, you must be Mabel," Hannah greeted. "I'm Hannah, this is Emily, and this here is Dakota."

"He's adorable," she said, reaching forward to pat his nose.

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