Chapter Twenty

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*two weeks later*

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*two weeks later*

"Where's Molly?" I asked Leo as he hopped out of his truck. It was show prep day yet again, and the twins and I were doing our usual pre-show set up where we get our stuff done before having a sleep over.

"She's tied up at home," he said as he walked over. Once he reached me, he wrapped his arms around me and planted a kiss to the top of my head. "She got in a fight with Mom this morning so she's stuck doing chores."

"Oh, we can wait for her," I suggested, still wrapped in his grasp.

"She'll be there for a few hours," he laughed. "She said she'll come and do her stuff later."

"Okay," I said, pulling away from him. I put a proper kiss on his lips. "Well, then, let's get started. Better not waste any time."

We quickly got to work cleaning tack while listening to music. I had more tack than Leo, so he ended up having to clean my bridles. Once we were done, we loaded it all in the trailer I had pulled around with my truck. We then got to work on the horses. We started with Titan, as he was the dirtiest. Once he was all cleaned, I threw standing wraps on, as well as a sleazy and waffle sheet. We repeated the process two more times with Vegas and Dublin, which went a lot quicker as we didn't have to scrub yellow stains off of white fur.

After Leo finished wrapping Vegas's legs, I finally saw Molly's Jeep pulling up to the barn.

"There you are," I greeted as she got out. "We're ready to help."

"Thanks for the offer, but no," she said as Leo joined me. "I need some time alone."

"That rough, huh?" Leo chuckled. I gave him a jab with my elbow.

"That's alright," I covered, glaring at him. "Just call us if you need us. We'll be inside."

She just nodded and headed towards the barn by herself.

"Aw," I said, watching as she walked away. "What kind of fight did they get in? She seems pretty upset."

"I'm not too sure," he said as he put his arm around my shoulders, leading me to the house. "I think it had something to do with college. Mom wants us to go, but Molly doesn't want to. She wants to go into the armed forces, but that didn't settle well with mom."

"Oh," is all I could say as I opened the door and headed in. "That's cool how she wants to go into the armed forces though. She's definitely tough enough for it."

"That's for sure," he laughed.

"Okay, I need to take a shower, and so do you, stinky," I laughed. "Use the guest bathroom, I'll use mine."

"Fine," he said, scooping his bag up off my counter. He put his other hand on my cheek and leaned in to kiss me. "Don't take too long."

"Yeah, yeah," I smiled as I swatted him away. He turned and headed to the guest bathroom while I headed to my room. After grabbing running shorts and a tank top, I took a quick shower and dressed. Surprisingly, I was done before Leo and was able to shoot Molly a check-in text. As Leo appeared, she replied saying she was good and that she was enjoying being in the barn alone blasting music. I decided to let her be.

I placed my phone on the counter as Leo walked around the island and hugged me from behind. I leaned my head back against his shoulder and took a deep breath of his shampoo.

"Have you checked up on Molly?"

"She's fine, just needs some alone time," I said softly. "I have a feeling she'll be here soon."

"Mhm," he mumbled. "We should watch a movie."

"Got anything in mind?" I asked, spinning around to face him. His face flashed with concentration as he thought of movies to watch.

"Let's watch... Avengers Infinity War."

"Hell no!" I looked up at him with wide eyes. "I've watched it twice and cried both times. I don't want to cry tonight."

"Fine, we can watch Spiderman Homecoming," he rolled his eyes at me. "Does that sound okay?"

"You know how much I love Tom Holland," I laughed, putting my arms around his neck.

"Not as much as you love me," he grinned before beginning to tickle my sides.

"No!" I exclaimed, attempting to remove his hands from me. Once I finally got a hold of his wrists, he stopped and stared at me.

"You know you're gorgeous, right?" he asked, releasing his hand from my grasp and tucking a strand of my hair back.

I blushed. "I do thanks to you."

I tilted my head up and kissed him. It wasn't a full-on makeout, but you could tell we were both pouring our emotions out to each other.

"I love you," he said, putting his forehead on mine after we split.

"I love you," I replied, closing the distance between us once again.

After a few moments of this, the sound of someone clearing their throat made us jump apart from each other. Standing at the door was Hannah.

"None of that gross stuff in here," she joked, making me stick my tongue out at her. "If all that kissing made you hungry, I brought pizza for you guys. Also, you left the barn lights on."

"Oh, no, Molly's still out there," I said, watching as Leo made a beeline towards the food. "She wanted some alone time."

"No wonder," she said, eyeing between Leo and I.

"Oh, my goodness, give it a rest," I laughed.

"I'll go put the movie on," Leo said through a mouthful of pizza, wanting to escape the awkwardness of the situation.

"I'm only kidding," Hannah said as she gave me a side hug. "Have some pizza."

"I know you are," I smiled as I grabbed a slice.

"I'm going to bed," she said as she took a plate for herself. "Have fun, don't stay up too late."

"Good night, love you," I said as she disappeared down the hall. I joined Leo on the couch as the movie began playing. I curled up next to him and threw a thin blanket over us.

Twenty minutes into the movie, Molly came in through the front door.

"Hey girl," I greeted as Leo paused it. "All good?"

"Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better now," she nodded as she took a slice of pizza. "After I eat I'm going to shower and I'll join you guys again."

She took a seat on the arm of the couch and continued munching on her food as Leo played it again.

"Ooh, I love Spiderman."

please comment and vote if you enjoyed it! you guys have a few emotional chapters ahead of you so bE pRePaReD!1!1!1!

sorry i'm evil, you'll all hate me in a bit

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