Chapter Nine

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(Just to put things into perspective, Leo & Em went to the racetrack on saturday, the show on sunday, and now this chapter is on a monday)

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(Just to put things into perspective, Leo & Em went to the racetrack on saturday, the show on sunday, and now this chapter is on a monday)

"Em, I need your help," Hannah rushed into our barn, looking very frazzled. "It's an emergency."

"What's wrong?" I asked as I put my saddle sponge back into my bucket. I wiped my hands and stood, following her out of the barn.

"We just got a problem horse, and you might be the solution," she explained as we headed to an unfamiliar trailer, which was backed up against the round pen so the horse could go straight in.. "This horse was in a barn fire a few weeks ago, and is now healed, but very scared and spooky. Won't let anyone near him, and he's very unpredictable."

"Where do I come into this?" I asked.

"His old owner apparently looked just like you," she said. "They apparently had quite the bond before she had to sell him so she could go to college. If can trust you more because you look like her, you might be able to get through to him."

"Well, let's see," I sighed. Two barn hands managed to get the trailer open, and a grey blur shot out. He galloped around the round pen, bucking and rearing. We all backed away from the fence.

Even though he was crazy, holy shit was this horse gorgeous. 'Grey' didn't cut it — this horse was silver. His dapples were bright and shone against his white base coat. His mane and tail were a mixture of black, silver, and white. I mean, I've seen gorgeous horses, but this guy was something else.

"He's breathtaking," I gasped as he charged around in circles. "What's his name?"

"Absolute Zero, also known as Titan," she nodded. "He is a stunner, but man does he have some issues."

"Well, I don't blame him," I said. "Barn fires are traumatic to start with, but his human's gone and now he's in a new space. He's going to need a while to adjust."

"But you'll help me?" she asked.

"Of course," I agreed. "But not until he's settled.

"Yeah," she said. "And not until you're done with school."

"Finished last night," I winked, making her laugh.

"Awesome!" she exclaimed. "Happy first day of summer vacation!"


"I spy with my little eye... something green," Leo said. Since he was still in school, we had to wait until after school to ride. We had just ridden and were now walking around the property cooling our horses out.

"Leo, we're in the woods, literally everything is green," I laughed. Then I noticed a bug in Dublin's neck and picked it up. "Is it this inch worm?"

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