Chapter Nineteen

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"Are you insane?" Leo asked as I led Titan to the arena

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"Are you insane?" Leo asked as I led Titan to the arena.

"Yes," I said, opening the gate. "But you knew that."

"Just... don't get hurt," he said as he took a seat on the fence.

"I'll be fine," I laughed, adjusting my helmet. I was getting ready for a ride, but this time, I was trying something new. Except for boots and a rope tied around his neck, Titan had no tack on. I figured we'd keep his work light for a few days after the show, so I decided to try this out. He stood still while I mounted and began walking around.  He immediately put his head long and low and stretched out.

"If he bucks, you're gone," Leo reminded me. I shot him a look.

"Have some faith, would you?" I laughed, stretching my legs forward before letting them settle back into place. He just smiled back at me in response. After letting T walk around a bit to warm up, I urged him into a trot. It was a bit bouncy at first, but once he realized he was free to do what he liked with his head, he put it down, and had a much smoother gait. He was definitely sassier - throwing his head occasionally and not staying directly on the rail - but he was behaving well and listening to me.

We trotted around in a crazy pattern, doing circles and figure eights and serpentines to work on steering and speed.

"This is honestly really surprising," Leo laughed as I trotted by. I just stuck my tongue out at him and kept riding.

Once I felt fully comfortable on him, I asked for a canter. Because he was a warmblood, he had a huge canter stride, so I got thrown off balance once he picked it up. When he felt my shift, he immediately slowed to a more collected canter until I regained posture. I gave him a scratch on his withers and pushed him forward with my seat.

He was golden as we cantered around, he even offered me a few lead changes. As I brought him to a walk, I showered him in praise and pats.

"What a good boy," I cooed, scratching his mane. He dropped his head in response, continuing to walk forward.

"What now?" Leo asked. "You done?"

"No way," I turned and looked at him. "Set up a cross rail, we're taking this show over fences."

He just laughed and shook his head before hopping off the fence and grabbing some jumping blocks. "Absolutely insane," he muttered with a smile. I followed him around with Titan as he set up the little jump. It was nothing huge by any means, just a simple little cross rail in the center of the ring.

"All good," he called out, standing next to his creation.

"Heading your way," I announced, picking the canter up again. I did a courtesy circle before heading towards the jump. I had a split second of hesitation before I put my game face on and pushed T over the jump. He had zero hesitation and simply plopped right over it. He threw his head a tiny bit from excitement, but had no bucks or wiggles other than that.

"Good boy," I patted him, keeping him cantering. I circled him back around before going over it a few more times. After our fourth time over, we were both a bit sweaty in the heat, and I decided to end the ride there.

"Does this horse blow your mind or what?" I asked as Leo walked beside us and Titan cooled down.

"He's something special, that's for sure," he smiled at me, putting a hand on my leg.

"I'll be showing him two foot six next show," I said. "I want to challenge him a bit more."

"That'll be fun," he replied. "When is that again? Next weekend?"

"Two weeks," I said. "That gives me plenty of time to prepare."

"You guys are clearly ready," he smiled at me as he gave my horse a pet. "It's the people at the show who have no idea about the storm coming for them."

sorry for the short chapter! this book is going to take a major turn soon so be ready! also sorry for the lack of updates, i got bucked off the other day and somehow my eye connected with the horses nose (dont ask how, i dont know). i was at slight risk for a concussion and fractures in a few spots, but i'm completely fine and just barely got a black eye

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