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Thanks so much for the story requests and I'm currently working on them! Enjoy this fluffy piece that I've been meaning to share for awhile now ☺️

Mike and eleven were both asleep in the fort in the basement. Holly, Mike's younger sister, toddled loudly down the steps to wake them both. "Snow! Snow!" She repeated over and over again. Mike rubbed the sleep from his eyes looking up at Holly from the basement. "C'mon El, lets get dressed for snow." He said. "Snow?" Eleven replied taking the large fluffy jacket Mike was handing her. Once they were properly dressed for the cold outdoors they went to inspect the iced over porch. Eleven had never seen this before. She didn't know if she should be scared or not. Mike ran and jumped into the fluffy snow, Eleven looked alarmed when Mike sank into the cold snow. "Don't worry!" Mike said, standing up. "It's ok! Go ahead, touch it." El inched forward timidly towards the icy path. "C'mon. It's ok." Mike said stretching out his hand for her to grab. She took Mike's hand and put her feet in the snow. She gasped at the cold and went into a flashback.

She was in a dark room in the lab there was a bowl of water and a cup of ice in-front of her on the table. "I want you to put the ice in the water." The scientist said. Eleven focused on the cup and raised each ice cube into the bowl at the last one she was tired so she dropped it and it hit the scientist. He took the bowl of freezing cold ice water and threw it on her.

"El? El! you ok?!" He pulled the crying El toward him and hugged her tightly "It's ok. You're ok" Eleven hugged him back "I-I'm sorry" she said wiping the blood from her nose "No don't be sorry." He assured her with a smile. Mike held the embrace, making sure to comfort El. Mike let go of the hug and took her hand and pulled her to the middle of their lawn. "Look" he said as he laid down and made a snow angel. "It's fun" he got up and El copied him making an angel and getting up. As she got up she slipped. Mike automatically grabbed her by the waist, catching her. "Are you ok?" "yes" she replied. It started to snow again. Eleven kissed him on the cheek. Mike blushed and said "We should go back inside." He couldn't stop smiling as he lifted up Baby Holly and they went in to warm up. "So El, how about some hot chocolate?" Mike said smiling. "Hot...chocolate?" El muttered.

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