Chapter 6: Dept to pay

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Hey guys sorry i haven't uploaded a chapter in this book but i recently got 120+ views in my last one so i'm going to continue it, it'll just take a longer time to do so. anyways i hope you enjoy this chap cuz we're nearing the end of the book!!


A few years later

It's been 1 year since i woke up from my comma and 1 year since i last saw any trace of 17, however, the feeling of being watched keeps me awake at night, and i've got a bad feeling that i'll see it know i'll see it again, and this time...i'll be prepared.

I jinxed myself when i heard a sound coming from my kitchen. I decided to go against my feelings and stood up from my bed, and before i knew it, i was already going down the stairs. I looked around and tried to find the source of what was making such a ruckus. In the end, nothing showed up and i thought it was probably something hitting against the wall or falling down and smashing on the floor. The only thing that bothered me was...nothing was on the  floor and there was no windows or doors open, so it couldn't have been the wind blowing and object against the wall. I went back upstairs in despite something telling me to get out, but i was still tired and wanted some sleep, so i took some...even if i had to force it outta me.

Rest finally came to me and it was the next day.

It was a day like the rest, except i got a headache once i woke up. Though i ignored it and continued walking heading to the bathroom. As i walked in i remembered the first time i saw 17 and even if that was just a dream it feels as if it really did happen. As i got ready for my daily visit to the doctor, another headache struck me and this time i felt dizzy. i tripped and hit my head on the counter, however i didn't feel the impact, but my head was aching like hell on earth.

~Time Skip~

Once i arrived on the doctors' office , she welcomed me warmly and i entered. "Alright Sean let's check your heartbeat," she told me and I took off my shirt so she can check it. "Your heartbeat is a bit slow but i'm sure that's nothing, its probably most likely because you're still rehabilitating from the comma, now then turn around for me" i did as she told "Hm? what's this?" i felt her finger going along my back "You have some dark spots on your back, but i don't remember you having these last time" I looked at her worried "Is that bad doc?" i ask "I don't know but have you been having recent headaches or dizziness?" she asked "Yes, i have" i told her "and how long ago?" she wondered "This morning"  the doctor walked back to her chair "It's probably nothing but just in case i'll look it up, you can go now Sean, i'll call you if something comes up" I put my shirt back on and i walked back home.

As I was walking out the door, I accidentally bumped into someone with orange hair "S-sorry about that" he said, but I ignored him and kept walking till I reached my home. Luckily my house isn't that far away from the doctor's office and I arrived early. I heard my phone ring and I immediately picked it up, and no surprise it was my doctor. "Yes hello? I picked up "Hello i looked into those marks of yours and found something I think might scare you a bit" I hesitated before telling her to go on "Well those marks of yours..." she continued "aren't regular, they are rotting skin cells which are growing in an out-worldly rate, if this isn't fixed could die" she said "This infection can spread by touch, have you touched anyone today? she asked "N-No I don't think so" I told her unaware of my bad memory. "Well stay home till I find something that can fix you" she ordered me "ok doc..." I finished and hung up the phone.

"HeY ThErE SeAn"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey wassup everyone i hope you enjoyed this chap of 17, this book is almost over sadly even tho it doesn't have too many chaps. I'm sorry to leave you off like this but i won't be able to submit any wattpad works in a week. I'll still try to write in my writing tablet or maybe in word, who knows but yeah i won't be on much sadly, have a great day!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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