I wish you the best prt. 2

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Jughead (POV)

You know I just can't get that girl out of my head. She's constantly on my mind taking my thoughts taking over my life. "Yo Jughead." I hear I voice say.

I turn around and that voice isn't any voice it's Reggie's. Now I'm not going to say she can't move on but come on with him? "What?!" I say through gritted teeth.

"Betty is a great kisser I see why you loved her." He smiled a sickening smile that made my stomach churn. He sniggered at my face and started walking. "But don't worry she's not mine." He said with a wink

"Shut up Reggie." I said rolling my eyes at him for the 5th time.

He shook his head and walked of I carried on walking. Until I saw a blond sat there crying her eyes out. "Umm... hi?" She says as I stare at her.

"Oh I'm sorry," I look up, "Wait Betty are you ok?"

"Reggie said we couldn't be friends anymore." She said

"Friends?" I ask



"Jughead I still love you."

"Bets I still love you to."

I stroke her cheek and she kissed me. We stay holding hands for what seemed like an eternity but was actually a few seconds.

We walked home hand in hand but ended up going to pops to eat and go on out first date back together. We ate our food went home and sat talking for hours on end. We talked about everything and nothing. Anything that came to mind we talked about and we stayed up. We enjoyed each other's company.

After hours of what felt like the best time of our lives I had to leave.

I walked down the ladder and had the biggest smile on my face. I was so in love with this girl oh what she did to me. I wanted to stand there and scream I love Betty copper. I didn't but I wanted to.

"Oi watch were your going." Said a voice I knew to be Reggie's.

"Don't talk to me." I exclaimed

"Oh because I upset your little Betty?" He put on a fake pout.

"Well I'm going to see Betty now so I can stop her crying." He said

"Sorry but I already did that because that's my job as her boyfriend." I replied

"Oh her 'boyfriend'" he did air quotes as he said it.


A/n: ok so have you watched the new episode. Omg chic at the end was so creepy If you haven't watched watch it now.

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