Chapter One

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June 6th 10:30 am

The female voice on the radio cut out as the special forces team looked at each other.

"Alright boys," Major Evan Wan shouted over the Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopter, "you heard her. We have 10 minutes 'til we drop so grab your gear and get ready."

Evan Wan was in charge of 6 other soldiers whom the Department of Defense deemed skilled enough for this mission. The unit consisted of Second Lieutenant Donovan Mills, a friend of Wan's for the past few years, Army Specialist Jason Hale, Staff Sergeants Dylan Wyles and Amanda Hurst, Sergeant First Class Rebecca Munoz, and Private First Class Martin Lewis.

"Tell me this Major, why only send us? Why not send an entire army. It would be a day before the whole island would be clear." asked Donovan Mills.

"Because," responded Evan, "this mission is highly sensitive. The boys up top didn't want any information about the infection getting out. This whole mission needs to be quick, quiet, and clean."

"Well I have an entire platoon of guys who just want some action and will keep their mouths shut back home. We should invite them." Donovan replied with a grin.

"Can it. You miss this jump and we'll leave you."

"I'd expect nothing less." responded Donovan as he grabbed his gear.

All 7 soldiers got up, collected their packs, and waited alongside the raft that was being prepped for dropping.

"So," said Donovan, looking at Martin Lewis, "How'd the kid get mixed with us hardened veterans?"

"Well sir, I ranked top of my class at the academy. My commanding officer suggested me for any top priority missions. He said that they would help hone my skills." Responded Martin, standing at attention.

Donovan could tell this would be the first time Martin would point his gun something other than a target.

"So what, you can aim better than the rest of your class?" Asked Donovan.

"Yes sir. Well that and I scored exceptionally on my ASVAB." responded Martin, "I was told I could become a general quicker than anyone else in my old unit."

"Mills! Lewis! Shut up. We are about to drop." yelled Evan, just as the bottom of the chopper opened up and the boat was slowly lowered down with Jason Hale and Dylan Wyles inside making sure the boat stayed secured on the safety ropes. Once the boat was in the water and Dylan gave the okay, the rest of the team slid down the safety ropes into the craft. Jason and Dylan unhooked the ropes and signaled for the guys in the chopper to reel the ropes back in. Once that was done the bottom of the chopper closed and it flew away, back to the aircraft carrier that the team used as command.

The waters were choppy. The 15 and a half foot raft rocked as the soldiers fought to keep it steady. After a few minutes they finally reached the shore. The soldiers pulled the 300 pound craft out of the water and onto the beach. Evan looked around and saw beach towels and toys were scattered around the sand. As his eyes explored more he saw a small beach hut to their left near the tree line. He signaled for Donovan and Amanda to follow him. As he got closer he noticed what seemed like blood on the railing leading up the stairs. The door was hanging only by the bottom hinge with the top splintered out. Wan slowly climbed the stairs with his rifle held tight to his shoulder. When he reached the top he gasped.

There was a man crouched over another man's body. The man was completely pale except for his bright blue veins and the trails of blood that came out of his mouth and rolled down his chest. He plunged his hand into the body's stomach, pulled out whatever it could grab, and shoving it into his mouth with a slurp. There was a low crack as he pulled out a piece of rib.

"Dear god." Muttered Evan, completely taken aback by the sight. "GET OFF OF HIM!" He yelled at the man. "GET THE FUCK OFF OR I WILL SHOOT!"

The man looked at him, bits of intestine falling out of his mouth. He screamed and lunged at Evan. All three soldiers opened fired into the man, stopping his attack short.

The other soldiers ran the meet their companions outside the hut. Donovan was pale as a ghost and Amanda was around the corner throwing up.

"What the hell just happened?" Asked Dylan before looking into the hut. "What the fuck?! What happened in here?"

"He was fucking eating him." Coughed Amanda between breaths.

"Eating him?" Asked Martin "What does she mean 'eating him'?"

"Exactly what she said," responded Evan kicking the man to make sure he was dead. "Mills, what did dispatch say about the virus?"

"They said it turned people feral. But that normally means they are just violent. He was fucking eating him. No virus does that." Donovan had sat down on the steps to catch his breath.

"Alright, I don't know what is going on but from this point forward we're gonna be live firing." Responded Evan, "Anything that isn't one of us is to be considered hostile. Shoot to kill."

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