Mission Briefing

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26 days ago a viral infection was confirmed on the island of Pacoi

The virus causes a deterioration in the host's brain reverting them to a feral state

We have confirmed that it is spread by blood to blood contact

A team of 4 scientist and 8 lab assistants were dispatched to Prescott Medical Center in the capital city of Alsoft in order to identify and contain the infection

Accompanying the scientists were two special forces agents tasked with protecting the team

At 0600 five days ago we received our last transmission from the group stating that they had come under attack

Our latest Intel shows that the only scientists who are still active are Dr. Samuel Calvin and Dr. Andrew Cottone

As far as we know only one of our agents and three of the lab assistants are still alive

Your team will be dropped off two klicks from the Bani beach 16 klicks directly south of Alsoft

You will take a FC 470 raft to the beach

Once you reach the beach you will be responsible for either hiding the raft or protecting it

Your objective is to travel north to the city, rendezvous with the doctors and our agent, then proceed back to the beach for evac

We cannot get a heli close enough to the island without risk of attack or boarding so that raft will be your only means of escaping the island

Once you are at least two klicks away from the island, a heli will be sent to pick you up

These doctors may be our last hope for containing this infection so success is vital

Do not let anyone or anything get in your way

Good luck everyone, and stay safe


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