Chapter Fourteen

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June 6th 1:55 pm

Evan had been driving for about 15 minutes before he was able to get inside the city. The back roads leading from the suburbs into the city winded around and even with Donovan navigating Evan still made a few wrong turns. Rebecca made a point to critique Donovan's navigating.

"Have you never read a map before? Let me guess, you skipped land nav."

"This map isn't the easiest to read. And no, I did not skip land nav. I'm just having a hard time figuring out which roads are coming up." Donovan was trying to turn the map in the direction that they were going but was having a trouble due to the lack of street signs.

"Give me the map, I can figure it out."

"I got it."

"Obviously you don't. Just give it here."

"I said I got it."

"If you had it we wouldn't be lost."

"I've never been through these roads so it's going to take me a second before I can get a good sense of direction."

"Well you should have thought of that before you decided to be navigator."

"I know what I'm doing."

"Stop being selfish and just-" Rebecca was cut off when Evan slammed on the brakes.

"BOTH OF YOU, SHUT THE FUCK UP. Donovan, find where the fuck we are and get us back on track. Munoz, I understand you are upset by Hale's death but you keep up this petty 5 year old arguing bullshit you are going to fucking walk. Am I clear?"

Rebecca glared at him through the rearview mirror. She looked down into her lap, "Yes sir. Sorry sir."

"I need to be able to count on you Munoz, and knowing you have it out for one of your own isn't giving me much confidence. This whole situation is a shit show and everyone in this damn truck needs to work together if there is going to be any chance of us making it home." he turned his attention to the other two soldiers, "Whatever beef any of you have you need to drop it right the fuck now. Am I understood?"

"Evan she's the one-"

"I don't give a shit. As of this moment everyone in this truck is the best of friends. Got it?"

The truck was silent for a long few seconds.

"Got it." Donovan turned his attention back to the map to avoid his friend's glare.

"Got it." Rebecca said, still looking at her lap.

Martin looked at Rebecca, then at Evan. "Got it."

"Good. Mills, where am I going?"

"There should be an intersection coming up. Take a right."

There was a few infected shambling over to where the truck was so Evan took his foot off the brake and continued to drive.

Finally they made it to the city limits. Evan's prediction was right, the entire city was crawling with infected. He could see the top of the Prescott medical center just over the other buildings. He looked at the path ahead and judged that they would only be able to drive another few blocks.

"Alright, I think we should leave the car here. I don't want the entire city to know we're coming."

The soldiers hopped out of the car and quickly made their way to a nearby store front. Donovan carried the radio that connected back to the beach on his back. Evan grabbed it to radio the others to update them.

"Come in Doghouse Actual, this is Greyhound One. Do you read?"

"Read you loud and clear Greyhound One. What's your AO?"

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