chapter twenty

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Days later, you and your family of five boarded a small ship in the middle of the night, while most officers slept. Kylo hurried you, with the baby bundled against your chest, sleeping soundly, and the girls onto a ship barely big enough to fit you. He hurriedly prepared the ship for take off, you holding a blaster in one hand, nervously glancing around, waiting for someone to catch you. 

Kylo was taking you somewhere safe. 

He was taking you away from it all; from the Resistance, from the First Order, from the war. 

And he was coming, too.


"I want you to leave with me."

You couldn't contain your surprise. "Leave?" you asked. He handed you the baby.

He nodded. "Tonight. You and I and our children-"

"What about you - your duties? Your new title? Kylo, you just became the Supreme Leader. You can't just leave that." You shook your head at him. He stood up from the bed and knelt down in front of you, placing both hands on the tops of your thighs. "I mean, listen to yourself!"

"No, you listen," he said gently, smiling. "___, this war is never going to end. Luke is dead, but he was not the last Jedi. Rey is, and she will keep the Resistance alive and well. I don't want to fight for the Order anymore, not when I have four things far more important to take care of. Do you understand?"

Tears filled your eyes. "Yes, I understand," you whispered. "But what happens if you change your mind? Will you leave, or will you resent me?"

"No," he said. "No. I could never. Princess," he murmured, and he cupped your face. "My love, you are everything to me. You and our children are my priorities. That's why I sent you away from all of this, and that's why I'm sending you away now. But this time, I need to be with you. I can't live another moment without you four. I would rather leave all of this than stay."

"But all you've worked for," you said. "You married me to strengthen the Order."

"I married you because I love you," he said. 


He shook his head and kissed you. Pulling back, he said, "Love, don't argue with me on this. I want to be with you always. Let's leave together. Move on. Ben Solo is dead. Kylo Ren is dead, too."

You nodded, biting your lip softly. Your baby whined and you lifted him, putting his head on your chest. "Okay," you said. "Let's leave."


As Kylo prepared the ship to take off, you heard the steady rhythm of stormtroopers marching, and the voice of General Hux floating across the hall. You reached your hand out of the ship. 

"Kylo!" you hissed. 

He looked behind him as the ship started, smoke pouring out of the bottom of it, engine thrumming with life. You kept your hand held out as Hux turned into the room and stopped, disbelief etched over his features. 

"Ren," he spat, "what are you doing?"

Kylo didn't reply. He hurriedly walked from the panel to the ship and stepped inside, giving Hux one last glance. Hux tightened his hands into fists and stomped forward. 

"Ren! What are you doing?" he demanded. The doors slid shut. "Don't just stand there, you fools," he spat to the stormtroopers, "get him! Stop them!"

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