chapter five

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sorry for the delay. i haven't felt well


With you in the infirmary, Kylo had to take the girls to work with him.

Luckily for him, they were always reserved. They never complained, were almost always patient, and always lingered quietly around him. He knew it was because they were terrified of being attacked again.

The only downside of their closeness was how reserved he had to be. He could not let his anger get the best of him. It wasn't safe for his daughters and it would not teach them anything good, either.

After a meeting with General Hux and a few captains about their next move, Kylo lingered around. A captain was telling him everything they knew. He listened intently while he held Alula in his arms.

After a while, she squirmed. He put his hand on her back and whispered in her ear, "Be patient, love."

She didn't look at him. I want to see Mama.

"We'll visit as soon as I'm finished," he breathed out the promise. "Just wait."

When he finished speaking with the captain, he held out his free hand. Adhara placed her fist in his palm and held on tight. Silently, he walked them to your room, where you were still being treated.

When the girls finally saw you, they wriggled out of Kylo's hold. He let them go, watching with watery eyes as they ran to you.

"Mama, Mama!"

You beamed, arms open for them. "My girls!"

They launched themselves forward, flinging their arms open to pull you close. You winced in slight pain, but hid it well as you peppered their happy faces with kisses.

Kylo walked slowly to the bed. There was a weight in his heart that he could not shake away. He knew what he had to do to protect you and his children, and he wasn't sure if he could do it.

You looked up at him, one arm wrapped around both of the girls. They had buried themselves in your side. You reached an arm out to him. He hesitated before he took your hand.

You furrowed your eyebrows. Gently, you nudged your girls. They looked up at you with big eyes.

"I'm coming home tonight," you murmured. "So why don't you go on home with Astoria?"

"But Mama-"

"Your daddy and I really need to talk," you said. You brushed back their hair. "I promise that it won't be long."

They nodded.

"Astoria," you called.

She rushed in. "Yes, your majesty?"

You smiled. She was one of the only people that still treated you like the princess you once were. "Will you take my girls to our room and watch them for a while?"

"Of course," she said, beaming. She loved your daughters. She held out her bony hands. "Come on, princesses."

The girls reluctantly untangled themselves from you. You waved as they walked over to your midwife and took her hands. In a second, they were gone.

You looked back at Kylo. "What's wrong?" He ignored you, instead trailing his fingers down your back gently. His brown eyes looked into yours. You stiffened.

You could read Kylo like an open book. It was something you could pride yourself on. No one else could understand him, but you knew every part of him well.

The look in his eyes told you everything that was on his mind. You felt your throat go dry and you shook your head.

"No," you said firmly.

"___, you need to leave," he whispered.

You held down a whimper. "Kylo," you breathed, still shaking your head. "Don't do this."

"It was hard enough protecting you before," he said, "but now the Resistance is hitting us with everything they've got. They want this war to be over soon, and they're not holding back. My own mother planned an attack-"

"Your mother doesn't know that she has a daughter in law and two grandchildren here," you said. "I'm not leaving, Kylo."

"You are," he whispered, gulping. There was pain in his voice as he continued. "I am sending you to Jakku. You'll live with the girls there. It's desolate, and we've already taken claim of the planet. Nothing will touch you there. You'll be safe from the war."

Tears filled your eyes. "And what of your daughters? Will you visit them? Visit me?"

"I will keep my distance," he said, turning his head in pain.

A sob broke out of your throat. "And let your daughters be raised without their father?"

The pain was excruciating. Kylo was at war with himself. His family was the only thing that kept him grounded, kept him wanting to get up in the morning. He loved you and your children with all of his being, and the decision to send you away left him almost ill.

He stood up and turned away. "There are worse things than being without a father."

You scoffed. "Kylo. You are not your father! Your daughters love you, need you! And I... I can't raise them without you."

"You can," he insisted. "I've seen how you train with them. You understand the Force and you understand them."

"But our daughters need a father's love," you said.

He turned to look at you. You began to sob as he touched your arm. Feeling guilt and remorse, he pulled you to his chest and held you.

"And their father's love they will have," he said, kissing the top of your head. "I will love you and the girls until the day I die. Nothing will ever change that. But this... this is how I can protect you. I cannot worry about you three every minute of the day. I can't anymore."

Your heart shattered. You were a burden on his shoulders, and you finally understood. Tears falling, you nodded.

"I know."

He cupped your face. "I love you. I love you, Princess. I love you so much, I don't know what to do with myself-"

You answered him by kissing him on the mouth.

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