2: Here

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"Perrie, quit staring at my sister!" My best friend whisper yells. It was lunchtime and Leigh-Anne and I were talking about what we're going to do this summer. I look at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"I wasn't starin'!" I protest. She rolls her eyes while sucking her teeth. "You don't have to lie, Pez. I know you like Y/N," she smiles slightly. I chew on my bottom lip, looking back at my crush.

Y/N was captain of the football and softball. Alongside her best friend/cousin, Jesy Nelson, who doesn't strike anyone as a football or softball player.

They were honestly they nicest jocks in the school. Every other guy was a dick. Jesy, who is with her middle school sweetheart, Christine Hughes, seem to intimidate a lot with her piercing eyes and overall badass persona.

Y/N's height intimidates people, but she's really a gentle giant.

Both are the sweetest

I've been crushing on Y/N since I met her in third grade. Back then, she was so quiet, but daring. I loved it.

"You're staring again, Pez," I turn back to Leigh and throw a chip at her. She laughs, "Babes, it's okay, a'right?" She reaches over and holds my hand. "Come 'round mine after school let out, OK?" I nod, stealing one last glance.

Goodness, she's beautiful. Makes sense since she's a Pinnock. One day, I'll get to call her mine.

"Go talk to her already, Perrie. I'm sure she'll like you," Camila says, smiling. I look over at the athlete, laughing with a few friends plus Jade and Jesy. "If I talk to her, you have to talk to Jade," I smirk. Her eyes widen as she looks the shorter girl's way.

She turns her head and smiles at Camila with a wink. "Holy shit, she winked at me," she whispers in disbelief. "Now, you have motivation to talk to her," I then frown. "I don't, though."

Camila sighs, "Fish, it'll be fine. She's actually really sweet." I scoff, "I know that. Leigh-Anne told me, but-," "No buts. We're going over there. Let's go," she grabs my wrist and before I could protest, she drags me over to the small group.

One of the guys whistle, "Damn, Cabello! Looking good today." Ugh, Zayn. She rolls her eyes, "First, I look good every day. Second, I don't swing that way, buddy." He smirks, "Ooh, shit. I'll be happy to watch," that's when Y/N punches his arm.

"Hey, that ain't cool, mate," her face serious. He chuckles, "C'mon, Pinnock, I'm just joking."

"No, you were fantasizing her preference in your horny ass mind. Not every girl in the school wants to have sex with you, Malik," he glares at her and walks away. She looks over at Camila and she smiles.

"Sorry about him. He acts like every bloke 'round this place, but he's pu'ing up a front."

"Thanks, Y/N, but I could've handled that on my own," she nods. "I don't doubt it for a second, love," she then looks down at me, a bigger smile on her face.

"Hey," I wave, too shy to speak. "What's your name?" She asks politely. I just stare at her, biting my lip nervously. Camila wraps an arm around me.

"Excuse my friend here. She's shy," Y/N nods. "That's fine. You don't have to speak. If you feel more comfortable texting, that's fine." I raise an eyebrow and Camila chuckles, "Lame attempt at getting a number, Pinnock."

She sighs, looking at me, "Anyway," she smiles. "Is it okay if I got your number? I'd like to get to know you." My breath hitched and I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Uh, y-yeah, sure," she takes her phone out of her light pink hoodie that reads 'GOLF' and hands it to me. Shaking, I manage to enter the ten digits and saved it under 'Perrie Edwards'. I give it back and she nods, tapping it once.

I feel my phone vibrate and I take it out, looking up at her as she hangs up. "Cool. I'll text you later maybe?" I nod, biting my lip, "Y-Yeah." She smiles, looking over to her left and she groans.

"Jade," that's when I notice that Jade was eyeing Camila in awe, causing the Cuban's cheeks to turn pink. Honestly forgot she was standing there, she's so quiet. "Forgive me bluntness, but you are just beautiful," Camila bows her head, and may I say I've never seen her so timid.

"Thanks," she smiles. Jade nods, "No problem." The tardy bell rings, causing me to jump a bit. Y/N's eyes widen slightly and she places her hand on my shoulder. "You okay?" I nod, feeling my cheeks heat up more than they already were.

"Yeah, just startled me a bit. But 'm fine," I stammer a bit. She smiles big at me and I bow my head. "What?" I glance up at her. "Geordie?" She asks and I nod, lifting my head up.

"I feel like you and Jeed would get on well," she comments, shifting her backpack, looking over at her friend. Jade shrugs, "We might. Strong possibili'y."

I nod in agreement, "Aye."

She then turned her attention to Camila, "Wanna walk together, love?" She held out her elbow to the Cuban, who looks at me with a huge smile then looks back at Jade.

"I'd love to," they hook arms and began to walk away.

"They're cute together. Anyway, we be'er head to class, though. C'mon," I furrow my eyebrows, "Wait, you're gonna walk me?" She shrugs, putting her hands in her hoodie.

"Making sure you get to class on time. You're always late," I look up at her, halting. She looks back, knitting her brows together. "What's up?"

"Uh, you're in my class?" She shakes her head, "Not as in taking it. Your teacher likes me and I have a free period so I come in there from time to time. I'd, uh, check the role sheet after your class and you'd be marked as tardy most times."

She says the last sentence sheepishly while running a hand through her slightly curly, dark locks.

I had to keep myself from gushing over her cuteness and just nod, loving how she looks at me ever while we talked.

She's absolutely amazing.


Our Everlasting Love (P.E./You G!P)Where stories live. Discover now