6: Positive

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Y/N and I were sitting on her bed, studying with music playing softly in the background. She scratches the side of her head as she reads and rereads a part of the chemistry homework.

"What's wrong?" I ask. Not looking up, she sighs, "I can't figure out if this is a balanced equation or not." I take the worksheet off of her lap and study it a bit.

"It is, but you gotta show how," she groans. "That's the part I need help on." I chuckle, shaking my head and passing it back. "Biscuit, you gotta pay attention in Jaini's class," she runs a hand through her hair.

"That guy's accent is bloody hard to understand, though. And his handwri'ing is atrocious," she laughs and I join in. "Yeah, it is. He should've been a doctor," this causes her to laugh a little harder, falling back on the bed.

She starts to calm down, sighing while resting her arm over her face. I smile, looking down at her and running my hand through her soft, silky hair. She hums, wetting her lips before dropping her arm and looking up at me.

My smile grows bigger, "What, Angel?" She chuckles. "I'm so lucky to have you," I say, enamored. I lean down and kiss her moistened lips. She kisses back, humming into it. When we break, she sits up with a meaningful look on her face.

"Hey, Pez?"

"Yeah?" She chews on her bottom lip before letting out a slow exhale. "I've been thinking. I really want us to take things to the next level, but only if you want to and you're comfortable. If not, we don't have to do anything," I smile, pecking her lips.

"You're cute when you ramble, but honestly?" I say, making her look at me intently with those piercing, graying eyes. "I want to share this with you. I love you and I feel so free when I'm with you. I'm ready," her eyes widen.

"Are you sure? I don't want to pressure you or nothing," I roll my eyes jokingly. "Hush, Pinnock," she shrugs with an adorable smile. "But are you sure?" I nod, climbing on her lap and wrapping my arms around her neck.

"Yes. I want this with you."


After we left the cemetery, Leigh-Anne took me home. I was alone, again. I have been since last week. My family never really liked Y/N simply because they thought she was the stereotypical brainless, player jock when really she's the opposite.

She was patient, kind, and the best lover I've ever had. She actually looked out for me and cared for me deeply. She was the love of my life and so what if I'm still young, she was.

My family's just a bunch of arseholes that couldn't stand me being happy. Also, she's a girl and they're hypocritical Christians. Surprise, right?

Which is why I was always at her house when we would hang out or study or just lay down and listen to music. We just loved each others company.

I set my backpack down, taking off her jacket and hanging it up. I kick off my shoes and flop down on my bed, jumping a little when my face hit my chilled pillow, but I chose to ignore it.

I lie there for a bit, until I feel a sudden uprising going up my throat. I run into my bathroom, emptying the contents of my stomach.

After retching and gagging for what felt like hours, I lean up against the side of the tub, catching my breath. I wipe my mouth with a paper towel, otherwise too weak to move again.

I didn't have to go through the process to know what's going on. I know that I'm pregnant with Y/N's baby. I knew it that time we decided to be each others firsts. We didn't use protection, since I was "on the pill". Also, I've missed my period.

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