15: News (II)

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Ariana was currently downstairs with my friends keeping her company as my anxiety rose with each ticking second.

The box said to wait five minutes and, god, it's the longest five minutes I've ever experienced.

My leg was bouncing and my palms felt clammy. I secretly prayed that it'll comeback positive so that we can all have one last piece of Y/N. When her and I talked about kids, she told me what she wanted to name them: Tiberius for a boy and Raquel for a girl.

She wanted names that she can easily give a nickname to; Ty and Rocky for example. At first, I wasn't so fond of the names, but now I'm in love with them.

Somebody knocking on the door made me jump, "Y-Yes?" My voice sounded a little off.

"Pez, are you okay in there?" I hear Leigh-Anne call out. I sniff, now realizing I was crying. I quickly clean myself only to here her ask again. "Can I come in?" I look in the mirror, making sure I don't look too bad before opening the door.

She steps in and immediately spots the opened box and the stick sitting on top. "How long has it been?" She says quietly while closing the door. "Lit'rally 2 minutes," I run my hand through my hair stressfully. "What if I'm not pregnant? What if I am and don't make it full term? What if it says I am, but I'm not?"

She puts her hands on my shoulders, "Perrie, don't get yourself too worked up, okay? Isn't it one of the more accurate ones?" I nod, holding back my distressed tears.

"I can't believe I'm about to ask this, but when was the last time you two... did it?" She asks with a slight cringe.

"I dunno. Maybe a week or two before..." She nods, "So, two months. Have you had your cycle since then?" I shake my head slowly. "I'm scared, Leigh," I whimper and she pulls me into a tight hug.

I wanted to cry, but I felt completely drained of tears. Two months she said? I've been crying everyday for two months. Every tear was for Y/N, even though I know she wouldn't like it.

She never liked seeing me cry out of sadness. She told me she'd only make me cry on "that day". She never told me what that meant, but I've had a few ideas. Which made me cry harder.

Now, it's like I can't even feel and I know that whatever that test says, I'm either gonna feel a lot worse, or much better.

It's an emotional roulette.

Leigh breaks away and cups my face in her hands. "Whatever happens, I'll be here for you," I barely smile; instead, I let her smile for me.

"How do you like Ariana?" She hums, "She's pretty cool. Sweet. Funny," she giggles when she said that.

"She tried to do her best British accent and sounded extra cockney. She was like, 'Oy! Give me mah crumpets and tea, ya wanka." I giggle along with her, "Really?"

"Yeah. I know you heard Jesy laugh," she says after calming down a bit.

"I did. I did. I thought Chris made a joke or Jade said somethin' dirty."

"Nope, it was that pretty li'le thing in your living room."

I'll say, it's refreshing to have Ariana here even though I ducked out after talking with her for half an hour.

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