11: What Happened

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(10/26/20 6:42pm)

I sped towards the alley where I always go to blow off steam. I was also there to do a deal with Pete and Zayn. Now, those two aren't necessarily my friends; if anything, I hate those guys, but if it weren't for them, I wouldn't be treating my girl with anything she could ever want.

Sure, I get paid from my job at the auto shop, but since I'm not yet an adult, the pay is shit.

When I reached my destination, I spot Zayn leaning against his car, smoking a cigarette. I roll my car around the corner when I notice that he didn't see me and parked on the other side of the street.

I get out, fixing my cap on my head and straightening my clothes. I stuff my hands in my pockets. It was frigid out at this time, but when isn't it?

I start my walk towards my "calm spot". Pete and Zayn didn't know that it was; chalked it up as some homeless person's living area. With the empty bags of Worsits and empty soda cans in the little rubbish bin beside it, you'd think it.

I get close enough to smell the pungent odor of the cigarette smoke and cringe my face a bit. The boy turns his head in my direction, his left eyebrow raised. I nod once, "'Sup, Zayn?" He nods back, eyeing me weird.

"Where's Pete?"

"He'll be here," he says in a chipped tone. He flicks the finished stick and stuffs his hands in his black hoodie's single front pocket. He then turns his head to me, "How's your girl?" I squint at him in the dimness of the area.

"She's good," I answer with suspicion lacing my voice. He chuckles, looking away. Just as I was about to question him on that matter, a familiar black BMW comes into view, blinding us with it's headlights.

I shield my eyes, waiting for the light to disappear.

When it does, I uncover my face and try to blink away the dark colors swimming in my vision.

I hear a car door close and footsteps approaching. Soon, the tall, darker skinned male stood in front of us and looked between us. "C'mon, we already look suspicious," Zayn say, turning towards the alley.

We fall behind him, me being the last.

When we get to the spot near my fort, Zayn looks at me expectedly. I go into my back pocket and and held out the plastic bag containing a few smaller baggies with weed in them. Pete snatches it, opens it up and holds it to his nose.

After taking a whiff, he looks at Pete and smiles while nodding. Zayn glares at me and I quirk a brow, "It's £100, mate." Pete laughs, "Haha, no. It's free." I squint at him.

"No, it's £100. That's 5 bags in there. The pricing never changed," I say. "Well, it just did," Zayn says lowly and threateningly. I shake my head, "Look, mate. I don't want trouble. Just give me the money and we can all go our separate ways."

The two glanced at each other and Zayn nods at him. The darker boy grabs me, holding my arms back tightly. "What the f-," before I could process what was happening, I feel searing pain enter my stomach.

When it exits, it's far more painful. I look down and see blood dripping onto my light colored jeans.

He stabbed me.

He smacks my hat off and grabbed the top of my head, pulling it so I could look at him. "He said it was free... so it's free," he then punches me in the face, making me unintentionally bite my lip.

Pete lets me go and I drop to the cold, icy ground. I curl up, holding the wound. I started gasping as my vision started to get hazy. Zayn once again grabs my hair, "I never liked you. In fact, I hated you. And you wanna know why?"

I stare up at him, trembling in fear and tasting iron in my mouth. The pain in my stomach was excruciating and my only thought is that I'm not dying tonight.

"Because... you had everything handed to you. The position on the field, scholarships, hell, you somehow got a girl to magically fall in love with you; a freak. A mistake. Something that should've been aborted."

My eyebrows weakly bunch in the middle, "Wh-wha?" I breathe out.

He looks over at Pete and held his free hand out. Pete goes into his hoodie and gives Zayn something shiny. Due to my black-bordering vision, I couldn't tell what it is. He lets me go for a moment and I grunt, the pain feeling worse than before.

Seconds later, he grabs me again, holding his fist up and that's when I noticed that he wore brass knuckles. My eyes widen slightly, being that my energy was draining fast.

I think me just saying 'what' took more out of me.

"You should've died with that slut of a mother of yours. Maybe I can make that happen now, eh?"

He began punching me in the face and with each sickening hit, my life flashed before my eyes.

From Dad and Debs bringing me home, to the days Leigh and I would run around in the park, to the day Jesy and I graffitied the side of a building and got detention, to when I ate so many biscuits at Jade's 9th birthday that I vomited, to the day Perrie became my girlfriend.

To our first date, to our first time, to the day at the art museum. Every moment with the Geordie went through my head like a dream. Though, never to be forgotten.

She is my dream, but now, at the hands of a jealous lad, I'll wake up from that dream. I began to cry, despite the equally excruciating pain in my face. I felt myself began to lose consciousness.

No. NO! I can't leave without telling them goodbye! Please, let me say goodbye. Please.

"Zayn, Zayn, chill, mate!" Pete finally pulls the crazed boy off of me. My face felt swollen and bloody. Open wounds allowed cold air to hit it, making my whole body shiver.

"Fuck off, Pete!" Zayn shoves the boy hard. My chest ached with each breath I took. I was almost afraid to breathe. I look up at the dark blue sky, silently hoping I'll make it through the night.

I have to go back and apologize to Mum and Jesy. I've been so nasty to them. I wanna tell everyone that I love them; Christine and Andre included. I wanna hug and kiss my Pezza one last time.

Please, don't let me die tonight.

"Lay on your stomach, Freak," Zayn growls. I look at him, blood starting to spill from my mouth. My entire body was shaking uncontrollably and my first thought was 'I'm going into shock. Tonight's my night. I'm sorry, everyone. I love you all.'

Zayn kicks me until I was now on my stomach; ice now directly on the stab wound. The coldness soothe it slightly. I lay with my face to the ground, staring at my fort that I built years ago.

Back when I would get even a little angry and storm out of the house.

I remember when I brought Perrie here and we watched YouTube videos on my phone while eating junk. We talked for what felt like hours before it started to get too late and I had to drive her home.

The kiss she gave me was so sweet and chaste. The smile on her face that never left since I picked her up that day. How vibrant her blue eyes were and how she giggled after I kiss her freckles when she starts getting insecure about them.

Those were my favorite features on her. I never understood why she hated them so much.

I suddenly feel something hard pressed against my back, bringing me back to reality. My eyes widen in horror when I finally realized what it was. "Wait-!"

"ZAYN, NO-!"


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