13: Smile

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"Wait, she's really pregnant? Are you sure?" Jade asks with wide eyes. I had came over shortly after Perrie left from here. I called her to say that I had something important to tell her and Camila.

"Leigh said that Perrie dreamt that Y/N told her so. I don't wanna say that they're both delusional, but," I say. "Maybe she is? Did she take a test?" Camila asks. I shrug, "Leigh said that she missed a period when they talked about it."

"Wouldn't she be showin'? I dunno when they... did it... but I'm sure since the latest it could have happened was 'that day', she'd still have a little bump," Jade says.

"It's cold out. She's always in that letterman, which covers up her stomach pretty well," Camila added.

"She still needs to be sure. I'll bring it up tonight. Speaking of which, I gotta go home and get dressed. I still look like work," I chuckle, standing up from Jade's desk.

"We should get ready, too, babe," Camila says, nudging the girl. Jade nods, "Yeah. I also need to thank her for that mince pie. Hope she makes more."

I chuckle again, shaking my head, "Doubt it. Though, she might for New Years."

"I'ma ask her if she could," Jade decides.

I hug both girls and bid them a farewell before going to my bike to head home.

When I got home, I entered and kissed the picture of Biscuit by the front door.

"Jesy, honey? Is that you?" My mum's voice calls from the kitchen. "Yeah," I say, kicking my shoes off at the door. "How's Jade?" She asks as I remove my jacket, revealing my shirt with the bar's logo on the front.

"She's getting there thanks to Camila," I say, making my way to the kitchen. "What about you?" She says, looking at me when I walked in. I go up to her and gave her cheek a little peck.

"M'not sure. I feel... numb, I guess?" Mum gives me a sad smile, "They're gonna find them, Jes." I squint, the numbness being replaced with anger.

"It was Pete and Zayn, I'm telling you! They were, presumably, the last ones to see her alive and they weren't even questioned! All of us were and not them!" I let out the little bit of pent up anger I had stored before taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for shouting, mum," I say, running my hand through my hair. "You don't have to apologize for how you feel. I agree, those two need to be questioned."

I chew on my lip briefly, "Could have something to do with Pete's uncle being a cop." Mum stopped cooking dinner to look at me, "His uncle's a cop?" She asked in disbelief. I nod, "Yeah. But I don't know his name or what he looks like."

I then go in the fridge for a water bottle. "Are you staying for dinner?" I shake my head, "Jade's birthday is today, mum. Perrie's making dinner for us all."

"Tell Jade I said happy birthday and give her a kiss for me," Mum smiles a bit. I nod, "I will. I'm gonna go get washed up."

"Okay, honey."

I start for my room, closing my door behind me before stripping off my uniform. I lay out a simple outfit to wear then made my way to the bathroom.

During my scolding hot shower, all I could feel was guilt, sadness, and anger. I cried bitterly, the sound of the streams drowning out my soft sobs.

This isn't fair.

Why did she have to go? Why didn't I go after her? Why wasn't I more assertive with her, knowing how stubborn she could be?

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