« Prologue »

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(Y/N) was afraid.

Afraid of dancing.

It may seem stupid to be afraid of something like that, but they really were.

It's not a very good thing to be afraid of dancing while inside Mount Ebbot, monsters dance to prove their strength.

In their world, dancing is just a part of everyday life.

In (Y/N)'s world, dancing isn't even mentioned. They hate dancing so much, that they're afraid of it.

Whenever it's brought up at school, a shiver would go up their spine and they would walk away. Not many people made that mistake, though; everyone knew of their phobia--


The irrational fear of dancing, that most times gets so severe that the person with it would feel uncomfortable just being near someone dancing or anything related to it.

When it comes to fears, the fears we hold deep inside us, we need to distinguish between two types.

We have the rational fears-- the fears of real, possible consequences-- the fears of genuine danger. A person with a fear of heights would never jump off a high cliff: in this case, their fear is real, such a jump would be hugely dangerous. A person with a fear of spiders has less of a rational fear… while there are dangerous spiders in the world, for the most part they are few and far between, and once you have identified a spider as being-- rationally-- harmless, any remaining fear is irrational.

Irrational fears are no less real. They affect you physically, make you jump or quake, sweat or shiver. That's not saying that irrational fears are bad fears-- fears that it should be in any way embarrassing to have.

Everybody has irrational fears. They are normal, and perfectly acceptable. 

Yet, in the perspective of monsters...

This fear is not-- and will not be-- acceptable.

Chorophobia (Dancetale! Sans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now