« Capítulo Veinte y Uno »

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Your POV

It was even more beautiful than I remembered.

The sun was setting, signaling the end of another day, the colors painted in the sky like the work of a talented artist across the canvas that was the blue expanse of sky.

The flaming ball that was the sun was shining low on the horizon, making the setting that much more beautiful.

"Wow," I whispered, my arm linking with Sans's.

"It's...." Frisk continued.

"Gorgeous," Toriel, Frisk, Undyne and Alphys said in unison.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"do you know what's even more gorgeous?" Sans asked slyly.

"Sans, you better shut up or I'll chuck you off the mountain," I threatened.

"you wouldn't."

"When was the last time I made an empty threat?"

Sans didn't answer.

"That's what I thought," I said with a smirk plastered on my face.

Frisk giggled while Undyne glanced at Sans and smirked as well. "I'm starting to like you, human," she admitted with a chuckle.

The king looked at Toriel, who was as far away from shim as possible, but as she glared back, his head whipped back around with a red tint on his white face.


"HEY, WHAT'S THAT BIG GLOWING BALL?" Papyrus asked, pointing to the sun.

"That, my friend, is the sun," I answered, grinning.

"OH," he said, face softening. Then it turned into a look of confidence and determination. "I'M GONNA DANCE WITH IT!"

"You do that," I said with fake cheer in my voice, honestly not wanting to break the news to him that dancing with the sun was quite impossible.

He grinned brightly and threw his arms in the air, squealing in childish glee as he sprinted away.

I laughed at his antics and sighed in contentment as I went back to staring at the beautiful sight that was the sunset.

Undyne did her signature laugh and began following him. "HEY PAPS, WAIT UP!"

Alphys shrugged. "U-Undyne!" She trailed behind the fish more slowly.

"i guess i should follow them and make sure they don't get into trouble," Sans said, raising and lowering his shoulders in a shrug.

"Go ahead, I'll be here," I told him, leaning and kissing him on the cheek. He blushed and quickly followed after the others.

"Oh, dear," Toriel chuckled, shaking her head.

"Well," the goat who I finally assumed was Asgore said.

Toriel shot him a glare and he began to sweat, tapping his index fingers together. "I suppose I'll go, too." He soon rushed off with everyone else.

She sighed.

"Toriel?" I asked.

She turned to me. "Hmm?"

"Why are you so rude towards Asgore?" I questioned.

"Oh, (Y/N)," Frisk deadpanned, and I just realized that they haven't talked this whole time. "You don't know the story, huh?"

"Am I supposed to?" I inquired with a confused look on my face.

"No, no," Toriel told me. "It's best I don't tell you... The question is, how did Frisk find out?"

Their face went a little pink. "I have my ways."

I shared a glance with them and raised an eyebrow.

"(Y/N), why don't you go follow the others? I have some things to discuss with Frisk."

I was surprised at Toriel's statement, but nodded. "Oh, of course. I'll leave you two alone, then."

I waved and speed-walked down the side of the mountain where I saw everyone go.

I can't wait for life here.

My heart ached as I remembered Genevieve. I didn't even think about her when I was in the Underground...

Did she... look for me when I was gone?

Did she care at all?

I have to ask...

I need to see an actual blood relative right now.

Chorophobia (Dancetale! Sans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now