the night we met

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Trigger Warning!!! Self harm!!!
"W-Wyatt" I said crying so hard that Canada could hear me. "Shhhh I got you" he stroked my head. "I wanna home" I whispered. "Okay ill take you back to the hospital" he said. "No I want to go home!" I got out of Wyatts arms and ran to the woods. I saw a light (he is not gonna die lol) I ran to it. They were colorful Christmas lights (Joyce who) and a tent. I heard music
Someone is behind me
"May I have this dance" Wyatt smiled
I nodded. Maybe this night want be so bad. Maybe I was inlove with Wyatt Oleff. Maybe im not the weird sick kid. Maybe im Normal. Maybe Wyatt likes me too. I will confess my love tonight
Take me back to the night we met
"Why are you doing this" I murmured
"Because I care for you." was all he said and we just danced until the song was over. I was still confused Wyatt is not gay I myself am Bisexual. Wyatt drove me to the hospital. At the doors I got enough courage to tell him. "Wyatt?" I whispered. "Yes Jaeden" he replied. I kissed him. "I've only known you for a couple days but I've fallen in love with you Wyatt. " I said softly. "I-Im sorry Jaeden im not gay" Wyatt looked down. "What?" tears were forming in my eyes. "I dont love you Jaeden." I ran into the hospital building. Ignoring Natalia I cried and cried. I looked under my bed for a box marked 'Blades'. "I haven't done this in years" I thought. 3 marks were on my thigh. One for each word I said which were I love you.

I feel so bitchy for what I did to Jaeden. We just met like 3 days ago and he already loves me. Hes a fan yes but what he reads online doesn't mean he knows everything about me. Hell im not even gay. But when he kissed me I kissed back. I dont know why. I just felt bad. Why would I love a sick kid like him. Im famous. Im in movies. Im a star. Why would I fall for a sickly yet adorable boy. I cant stop thinking about him. Fuck I think im gay and I think I love Jaeden Lieberher.
Im gonna text him
Wyatt🐍: Im sorry
Wyatt🐍: I freaked out. I should've said something else
Wyatt🐍: Jaeden forgive me
Wyatt🐍: Please
Wyatt🐍: I love you too
Jaeden💔: do you love me or are you fooled but sadness
Wyatt🐍: ......
Jaeden💔: Bullshit
Jaeden💔: Bye Oleff.
I really fucked up

Authors note: I got bored so I decided to post another chapter. Do you think Wyatt deserves a 2nd chance? And the beginning made no sense sorry lol I have writers block

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