Its okay im here

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I woke up at 5:30 Jaedens surgery starts at 7. I wake up Jaeden "baby wake up" I shake him a bit. "Mmm okay" he stretched out his body. I don't think he remembers his surgery. "Im ready to go Wy" he smiled. "Okay" I smiled and took his hand. The drive took an hour.
At the hospital
Me and Jaeden sat down at the chairs for about 30 minutes. "Jaeden Lieberher" the nurse called me and Jaeden stood up. They took us into this room. "Change into this robe" she said. "Please tell me the amount of pain you feel of 1-10" she said. "8" he said. I frowned. I wonder if he always feels pain he never tells me. He finished changing. "Please follow me" she said. We followed her to a bed where they gave him and IV and shots to prepare for surgery. This made Jaeden loopy kinda. "Wyatt" Jaeden whispered. "Yes" I walked over to him. He started crying "I'm scared" he cried "sh its okay im here" I took his hand and squeezed it. "Im sorry sir but its time to start the surgery" the nurse told me. I nodded and kissed Jaedens forehead. "I love you" I told him. "I love you too. I don't want you to leave" he cried. "Sh its okay I'll be right here when your out" I rubbed his cheek with my thumb. "Promise?" he held out his pinky. "Promise." I locked my pinky with him. The doctor rolled him away into surgery. This better go well.

They took me into this big white room. It was really cold. "Here have this blanket" the nurse gave me it. "How old are you" she asked "16" I told her. "Okay well your gonna feel something cold in your IV its just stuff to make you sleep" she smiled. "Okay" was the last thing I said before falling into a deep sleep feeling numb.

I just made this based on how my surgery went. I got it on my arm though. I got it last December.

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