Is it too late

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Noah kissed me. And I kissed back. "What the fuck" I heard a voice. We both let go to see Wyatt. "Its not what you think"
I said quickly. "Then what is it Jaeden? You're cheating on me with our best friend!" he had tears in his eyes. "Noah kissed me! He told me that he loves me and I shouldn't be with you! Tell him Noah"
I turned around and saw that Noah left. Fuck him. "Jaeden....I'll talk to you later. I think you should ride home with Millie today.'' he walked away with his head down. I need to find Noah
After class.
After class
I roamed the hallways until I find Noah. He was talking with Millie. I pushed him into the lockers. "You little shit!"
I yelled poking my finger into his chest. "Jaeden! Let him go!"
Millie said trying to push me off but failed. "You ruined me and Wyatts relationship and Wyatt is my life. I'll be sure to ruin your life now!"
I let go of him walking away. Noah and Millies face were in shock.

I know I know I shouldn't have kissed him. But I needed to feel his lips on mine. I needed to feel him. The truth is im depressed. That's why im so shy. I wanted Jaeden to be my first kiss. And for those 20 seconds we did. I was truly happy. But Jaeden wasn't.  I knew he was not gonna feel the same but I didn't expect that reaction.
"What was that about?" 
Millie asked. "I like Jaeden and I told him"
I said. "Oh that's wonderful! Why is he mad then?"
She asked. "Be-beucase I kissed him"
I said looked down "Noah why?" Millie asked. "Cause im depressed. I wanted to feel happiness!"
I cried on her shoulder. "Oh Noah im so sorry" me and Millie went on the floor with me crying and her hugging me. "Does Jaeden know your reason? Im sure he wouldn't react like that if he did."
I shook my head no. "Go tell him babe" Millie said i gave her a small smile and ran. Ran to the love of my life

A/n: 1.06 reads already? That's insane!! Thank you guys💗 I love you all

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