Six feet under

518 19 13

Trigger warning marked with 🎈🎈🎈🎈
Play song at ✨✨✨✨
"Jaeden! Jaeden!" I shot up in my room? "Natalia? Were are my pericings and my clothes and wheres Wyatt!" I was scared. "What are you talking about? We came straight home from the hospital and you went to sleep" Natalia explained.
It was all a dream
"Oh um its fine im fine" I faked a smile.
"Well dinner is almost here. I ordered from your favorite pizza place" Natalia smiled at me. Then she left and went down stairs. "Jaeden come get your food! You can take it to your room" she yelled. I got it and ate. I watched Dance moms for about a hour or so.

I guess Wyatt really doesn't love me. Why am I suprized nobody does. I look in my bathroom.Sleeping pills. They were sleeping pills. Im going to do this. First im going to message Finn and Wyatt.

Gayden💅: Finn thank you so much for being the greatest friend I've  ever had. You're always there for me whenever I need you. But not even you can help me with this. Love hurts Finn. Btw I gave Jack your number Lmao but I love you Finnlard💓

Now time for Wyatt
Jaeden💔: I love you and I will miss you. Live the live I couldn't live.
Now im going to go to my bathroom
It took me 30 minutes to open the dumb ass pills. Stupid child proof shit. But Finally I opened it. I put about 12 pills in my hand. I took my water and right when I was going to put it in my mouth the door slammed open. I saw my best friend and they boy I loved. Wyatt smacked the pills on the floor. "NO!" I screamed in his face. Finn moved me away from the pills and sat me on the bed. "Jaeden why would you do this" Finn said. He grabbed my wrist and saw the scars. "JAEDEN" he pointed to them. Wyatt walked over and saw them. "Finn can you let us talk alone for a sec" he said. Finn nodded and left. "Jaeden is this because of me" he asked. I just looked at my feet. "Jaeden. Is this because of me" he repeated the question. "Its impossible for it to be "because of you" because you didn't tell me to cut I told myself" I said still looking at my feet. He nodded understanding what I said. He sat me on his leg with me being so light and hugged me. I hugged back. We sat like that for hours yet it felt like years. I knew I loved Wyatt Oleff. I hated myself for falling for a Hollywood boy. Love wants what love wants.

Authors note: Nothing good every happens here😂  but 100 people are reading this book TYSM! If any of you have any ideas for the book or advice for me or just need someone to talk to message me :)
- Aniyah🌙

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