Chapter Two

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After dinner, Seokjin's mom packed some of her stuff, tools and her selfmade music boxes, with the help of Seokjin ofcourse. He put them in a bag and tied it to make sure nothing would fall out on the way. He took the bag with him and walked outside of the tiny wooden house. He helped his mother on their horse, Odeng, and then gave her the bag. "Be careful, Eomma." Seokjin said and smiled at her. "Ofcourse, and I'll make sure to bring you a beautiful rose." His mother answered and ruffled his hair. She always did that when he was younger, but she never stopped doing it. Seokjin didn't mind, it was a sign of affection and he loved his mother with his whole heart. She grabbed the reins of the horse and then they left, leaving Seokjin behind. He hoped his mother would enjoy her stay at the convention, she deserved it.


Seokjin was just peacefully reading a book at the kitchen table when he heard someone knock on the front door. He put a piece of paper between the pages, so he could remember at which part he was, and then he stood up and made his way to the front door. He opened it and wasn't suprised by the person who stood there. "Maybe I can keep you company now you're all alone at home without your mother?" Jackson offered which made the black-haired male just shook his head. "A book is enough to keep me company." Seokjin answered and Jackson started to laugh. "Like a book is actually fun." Jackson said to Bambam who stood behind him and laughed just as hard as he did. "Yeah, books are boring." Bambam agreed, nodding with his head. "But anyways." Jackson said and turned around to Seokjin who stood in the doorway with an annoyed expression on his face since Jackson and Bambam insulted his books. One of the things that made Seokjin feel happy, and they were making fun of it. "Let me stay with you." The white-haired male said with a voice so smooth that Seokjin had to fight back the urge to gag. "I have a better idea." Seokjin started and Jackson focused his brown eyes on those of Seokjin. "Leave me alone." The black-haired male said and slammed the door shut right in Jackson's face. "I know you want me! It's just a matter of time and then we're the most handsome married couple of this whole village!" Jackson loudly exclaimed from the other side of the door, which made Seokjin heavily sigh. He walked back to the kitchen table, sat down on a chair, picked up his book and started to read again. It was evening and the light day sky had made place for a black with stars scattered sky. Seokjin loved the night, since it was so peaceful and full of beauty.


The night had fully fallen when Seokjin got woken up from a sleep that he didn't knew he had fallen into. He had woken up from a loud sound he heard from outside the house. When he heard it again, he didn't hesitate and ran towards the door. He opened it and stepped outside, the soft cold night air hitting his face. Next to the house stood Odeng, neighing and panicking, kicking his front legs into the air. "Sssh, boy, sssh." Seokjin said in a soft tone and carefully walked towards the black and white horse. When Odeng saw his owner, he calmed down and got onto all fours again. Seokjin held the reins and stroked Odeng's nose. "Where is Eomma?" He whispered, full of concern. What was his mother's horse doing here without his mother? He never saw Odeng being so restless, so something must have gone wrong. Seokjin calmed down as well and let go of the reins. He went inside the house again, grabbed his red cloak and put it on. He then closed the door and walked over to Odeng who was drinking water from a large bowl on the ground. Seokjin hopped onto the horse and held the reins tightly in his hands. He led Odeng onto the streets of the village which were now empty and then Odeng started to gallop. "Take me to Eomma." Seokjin said and sat straight up in the sadle. They left the village and came closer to the countryside. Thousands of different thoughts crossed Seokjin's mind. Where was his mother? What was wrong with her? Did she get lost on the way to the convention? Or even worse? They left the peaceful country side behind them and now entered the big dark forest. Seokjin noticed Odeng started to get more restless when they came further into the forest. Seokjin heard rumbling in the sky, which made him held the reins tighter in his hands. Thunder. He knew most horses got absolutely terrified of thunder and Odeng was as well. Odeng started to gallop faster and Seokjin noticed that it had started to rain. A lightning bolt suddenly struck through the sky, scaring both Odeng and Seokjin. It made the horse run faster and Seokjin's long red cloak waved behind him in the air. He put the hood over his head to shield it from the thick raindrops which poured down now. They made it to the end of the forest and Seokjin gasped in awe when he saw what stood in front of them. A gigantic castle. They had entered the garden of the castle and Seokjin saw different sculptures, bushes, and potted plants, but none of them looked beautiful. They looked grey, like all colour was drained from them. Seokjin led Odeng to the giant and long staircase in front of the castle which lead to the enterance. ''A castle? That's where Eomma is?'' He asked the horse which didn't do anything, but just stood nervously on his place. He was lifting his hooves up and down, slowly scraping the ice of the stones on the ground. Seokjin didn't hesitate, since he was so concerned about his mother. He jumped off the horse, landing gracefully with his feet on the ground, even though it was slippery from the ice and the rain. ''Be good.'' He whispered to Odeng and stroked his nose to calm the horse down. Seokjin tied the black reins around the pole of the staircase and then he started to carefully walk up the stairs. He hoped that his mother was here, even Odeng seemed sure that she was, otherwise he wouldn't have led Seokjin to the castle. When he eventually arrived the front door, he said to himself in his mind that he shouldn't be afraid and just save his mother. Seokjin forgot about all the other thoughts in his head and focused on saving his mother. He lifted his fist to knock on the door, but just as he wanted to knock, the door opened by itself. Seokjin stepped inside the castle and looked around admiring every tiny detail of the big hall. It was a golden colour and everything was beatifull decorated. The walls, the ceiling, everything. The big enterance hall was dimly lit and there was wood burning in a fireplace on the right side of the hall. Seokjin was sure that at one point he heard faint whispers in the enterance hall, but he couldn't see anyone. He was alone in the enterance hall, and Seokjin had a thought that he could be the only one in the castle too. Suddenly, he heard a scream coming from upstairs. He immediatly recognised the terrified scream. His mother. Seokjin knew what he had to do; save his mother. He grabbed a candelabra to light up the way and ran towards the porcelain stairs, hoping to see his mother at the top.

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