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Once upon a time in a far away land, a young prince known as Kim Namjoon lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, he was selfish and unkind. But he held the most mesmerizing parties. There were lots of guests, dressed in the most expensive suits and dresses, eating the tastiest food and dancing the most graceful symphonies. On one night, there was a party in his castle like most of the times. Multiple men and women were dancing on the floor in the ballroom to the piano music and the voice of the opera singer. They danced and danced, while the young prince just watched from his golden throne. Eventually, he stood up and walked into the middle of the ballroom, the people making way for him. Then he joined them, gracefully dancing with multiple men and women. But that all suddenly changed when a knock was heard on the doors. The guests stopped dancing and the prince motioned the piano player and opera singer to stop as well. Everyone stopped talking, creating an eerie silence in the ball room. A knock was heard again, but this one sounded more rushed than the first one. The prince slowly walked up to the front doors. Who dares to disturb my party, he thought. Then he opened the doors to the sight of an unexpected visitor. It was an old man, dressed in rags. He was shivering and drenched, because of the pouring rain and cold winter air. He had a single red rose in his outstretched hand. ''Please take this rose as an exchange for shelter from the bitter cold.'' The old man mumbled. Repulsed by the appearence of the old man, the prince turned away. ''I don't need a stupid rose, go away, old hag.'' The young prince sneered and turned around. The guests pointed at something behind him while gasping, making him turn around. The old man had transformed into a beautiful young man. He was floating in the air with a golden aura around him. The young man's beauty was out of this world. Shiny black hair, brown eyes, pink lips, sharp jawline, smooth skin. He was an enchanter. Dressed in a white and gold cloak, he pointed at the young prince. ''You have been deceived by your own cold heart. A curse upon your castle and all who live within it. The magical rose will bloom until your twenty-first year, if you can learn to love someone like you are before the last petal falls, the curse will be broken. But for now, you shall remain forever, a beast.'' The enchanter said to the young prince. Brown fur started to grow on the prince's body and his hands and feet turned into claws. He was transformed into a horrible beast. The enchanter had faded into thin air, only leaving the magical rose behind. The transformed prince fell down on the ground, already disgusted by his new appearence.

Beauty and the Beast • Namjin AUWhere stories live. Discover now